CLOSED: Can you guess it without a picture?

Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

Ok, so I have tons and tons of house sparrows coming to my feeders - males, females,and now all the babies. So every time I see a sparrow that does not look quite like what I'm used too, I run to ID it, and it always turns out being a juvenile H.S.

Today was just an ordinary day (well, except for tropical storm Eduard coming through this AM) but once everything settled down, the sparrows were busy cleaning out my feeders. Nothing unusual, until what I thought were just 2 female H.S. turned around to face me and I could see that their bellies were streaked! Hmmmm..... And upon closer observation, these streaked birdies looked maybe a teeny weeny bit slimmer and a tad longer (the tail maybe??)

I thought at first it was just another juvenile H.S.... but the beaks were the same size and color as a mature male H.S. (black), and I don't recall any form of H.S. having streaking on the belly. Also, the pattern on their backs - while closely resembling the female H.S. - wasn't exactly the same as the female H.S. Oh, and the streaking was on the entire belly - not just the chest.

I have looked and looked at all the different sparrows, and while some look kind of like what I saw, they are not found in my region this time of year. Most I looked at also had very distinguishable features on the heads where mine was very basic looking. So I turn to you bird experts for some suggestions on what I saw. Maybe the storm brought some vagrants to my area?????

I would laugh if they are just more H.S. !!!!!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

My guess - House Sparrows, soaking wet from the storm. That would mat the feathers down into dark streaks temporarily (until they dried out again!) and make them look slim. They may well have been using puddles to have a good wash in, and that would make the belly and chest particularly wet.


Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

yes you may be right... it was very stormy

Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

Now that I have seen some pictures of juvenile cowbirds... that is very close to what I saw (if I can remember)

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