Buterfly weed

New Boston, NH

Can't remember the proper name but I planted a lovely plant last summer and it was beautiful it is in a sunny well drained hillside garden.A few weeks back I noticed it looked stressed so thought water it needs so I gave it extra water and it didn't look any the better.Being up the hill I didn't get a close look but when it didn't improve I ventured up to take a gander and found it was rusty with I assume fungus ,are these plants prone to fungus?I have sprayed it a couple of times and THINK it looks a bit better.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Is this the plant you mean? http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/54080/
I also have this plant but have not had a problem with fungus. With all the rain you all have been getting up there it is not surprising. I am glad it is doing better.

New Boston, NH

ngam,that is the one and it is getting a real soaking today ,I'll have to treat it again if it ever lets up.

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