Aphid control

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I noticed today I have alot of aphids on my peppers. I'm wondering what would be an organic remedy?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You can try hosing them off, or else neem and insecticidal soap are both organic and will kill them. No matter what you do, you'll probably have to repeat the treatment since they multiply like crazy so if you miss even one they'll be back.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Okay, I got some Neem concentrate. I sprayed them down yesterday with sea weed hoping to dislodge them and it didn't seem to do the trick. I'll spray tonight with Neem when it cools down.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

Aphids routinely attack my hot peppers. I use insecticidal soap to kill the majority of them, and I hose off the plants the next day. I then hang cards full of green lacewing eggs on the pepper plants and other plants in my sun room.

Before the aphids can get re-established in large numbers, the green lacewing larvae hatch and feast on the little buggers. From that point onward, I set out green lacewing eggs or live ladybugs a few more times during the summer. Problem solved, and without nasty chemicals.


Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

PuddlePirate, I have some insecticidal soap to I'll try. I'll consider getting some of the green lacewing larvae.


Brighton, MO(Zone 6a)

It makes me so happy to see my okra crawling with ladybugs. I've seen a few aphid signs, but my naturalized colony of ladybugs seems to have them well under control.

Dean, the neem oil worked great on an infestation of flea beetles that attacked my eggplants earlier in the summer.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

My okra was crawling with aphids today. At least a couple of plants were. I did see some ladybugs, but not enough. From what I've been reading is they like humid enviroments. My okra and peppers are quite close together and I think need better air flow. I had the peppers in pots placed around a tree trunk. They were so close that I think there wasn't much air flow, hence the invasion of the little devils. The okra I think I planted to closely together. They are planted on 12-18" intervals. I think I will take a closer look at them tommorow. There were also a few that had two plants growing out of the same area that I didn't thin out.

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

Try planting marigolds between each and every pepper plant Dean. It's not fail safe but it does work to an extent and saves having to stand guard lol. I use this for my toms and sweet peppers too; in the greenhouse and outdoors.
:-)) Rosie

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Rosie, the Marigolds I have in my garden have spider mites though. LOL!!!

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

LOL you can't win Dale!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, I think the aphids have subsided a little now. I have seen quite a few lady bugs hanging around. Hopefully, there eating their body weight in aphids. As far as the spider mites are concerened, should I pull out the infected Marigolds?

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

We normally only get them under glass here Dale but I guess where you are its different. The best way to deal with them is to keep plants well watered and also water the soil around plants. Spider mites like dry conditions so spraying paths also help. I usually put my finger over the hose (since I don't have a spray attachment) and let them have it. Haven't had this problem for a few years - summer too wet now.
Hope this help.
:-)) Rosie

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Rosie!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

I didn't know that marigolds repel aphids. Thanks for the tip!

Are there any other plants that repel aphids? I want to grow some in a hurry. In a month or so I'll have to start bringing my container plants in to spend the cold months in the sun room ... where the annual War of The Aphids will ensue.

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

It depends what type of plants you are growing PuddlePirate. The subject is called "companion planting", not a forum here on DGs (yet!) and concerns what plant to grow near your staples to ward off unwanted attention. It's an area of gardening I've ben interested in for a number of years.
Some plants, especially herbs, attract beneficial preditory insects which feed off the nuisance insects. I've found that things like wild fennel repels a lot of unwanted bugs plus they attract preditory insects. But for a quick list see http://www.gardentoad.com/companionplants.html
:-)) Rosie

(Judi)Portland, OR

I have a virginia creeper vine on a trellis and it was full of aphids. I used neem spray from the nursery a couple of times and that did the trick. I tried the ladybug thing and it worked on the hostas but not on the creeper.
Aphids are a big problem around here!

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