Cain and Abel... well only sort of.

Saint Paul, MN

OK so my 37 year old brother is living rent free in my spare bedroom for the last 8 months or so. I knew I had to be be out of town for a week at a conference in San Diego. I walk him around the yard showing him my beautiful pots of cucumber vines, my gorgeous pot of mini muskmelons, my lovely squash vines, and all of my beautiful potted tomatoes and some flowers as well. I show him exactly how I water (usually only need to about 3 times per week because I have that gel stuff mixed in the soil and the pots are big).

I come back today and all of my cucumbers are brittle dry dead, the muskmelons are probably history as well. Three of my tomato plants are singed to a crisp, and all of my potted flowers are too far gone to save.

I WANT TO KILL HIM. Then as I bring in what I could pull off the dead cucumber vines he asks me what I'm going to do with them and suggests I make some refridgerator pickles like my mom used to. I almost stuck a cucumber in his big mouth.

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Beat him to death with the biggest cuke and strangle him with a dead vine for good measure. Stone him with the little green tomatoes. OMG!!

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Condolences. Been there, done that and I just thought I was all alone and the situation was unique. You certainly have my understanding.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

UGH. It figures. I've very few I could count on to tend my house/plants/kids as well as I would.

Twiggy, you said it best! Teehee.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Be sure to pick the zucchini before they get too big.

- OK.

[upon return, finding zucchini the size of baseball bats]

Why didn't you pick the zucchini???

- I didn't see any zucchini.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I think I would suddenly find I needed that spare bedroom for a Very Important Guest. My condolences. Been there, done that...

I can also sympathize about the zucchini, but it was ME who didn't see them, they grew down into the haybales...
On the bright side, I learned to make Chocolate Zucchini Cake...:):)

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I trust NO ONE to do my watering...not even the hub's so I stay at home during veggie garden season.


Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Last year, I grew the golden zuks for their visibility. This worked - even later in the year when they turned green, they were still a light enough green to spot them.

Phoenix, AZ

Man alive, that guy would be looking for a new home! I can't believe you didn't strangle him. I've got a brother who easily could have done the same thing - if I'd ever have trusted him with a plant. Two separate times he lived with me. In one, he wrecked my car; in the other, he left my car unlocked and it was stolen and destroyed. I wouldn't trust him with a weed!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

No one cares for our gardens like we do.. that is so sad. I hope you can tear it out and get something growing soon, as to not be constantly reminded.. I'm so sorry that happened to you.. there is not much that hurts worse!

south central, PA(Zone 6b)

That's immature and irresponsible behavior on the part of dear sibling. He won't learn better as long as he's taken care of like a baby. Are you sure you are really doing your brother a favor by supporting him?

He could make ammends by buying you flowers and replacement plants right now!

Of course, I don't know your circumstances. I'm reading a book about happiness. It says to forgive and not live in the past. Pretty hard to do!

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