Do you have or have you grown 'Black Adder' agastache?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Pic is from Bluestone which is the only place I found that has it for the fall, but their plants are too small and I think spring would be better if I ordered from them. Any other vendors that you know that sell this agastache?This one is supposed to be sterile, so long blooming and not seed all over. Is it as nice as 'Blue Fortune' when in bloom?

Thumbnail by ngam
Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I just checked and Santa Rosa gardens still has some. This is where I got mine. They send good sized plants and are in the watchdog top 30. I've ordered from them lots and love them.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm not likeing what I read about Agastache.I have annis Hysop and bought three plants.
Is it going to come up everywhere?
Should I dead head often?
It looks great for a first year and fills out the space great but I want it to stay that size cause there are other perennials I want.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I don't know specifically how Black Adder will seed since this is my first year with it. My other agastaches like Tutti Fruitti and Shades of Orange don't seed like that apparently, but they are not the same type. Check with the Agastaches and Salvia forum. Lots of knowledge over there. I know my blue and white ones seeded all over. They were quite easy to pull out, though, and gotta say, the goldfinches love agastache seeds:-)

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

My Agastache is Blue Fortune.
Great news about the goldfinches.
I fed them all winter and the agastache is outside my bedroom window where my computer is. I can't wait and will dead head prudently.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the link, I think, just what I need another great mail order place. Goody goody! :)
My blue Fortune does not seed all over, but the Golden Jubilee did by the millions, I am still pulling seedlings out and I have not had it in the garden for two years now. This BA is supposed to be sterile so will not seed all over either.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Have fun at SantaRosa, ngam:-) I just got an order from them last month in the was awesome. They pack with a cold pack and the plants are the best, really. Prices great, too.
ge, wait til you see those beautiful critters hanging upside down and fighting over the seed heads! You might find that a little extra weeding will be worth it, lol!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks that is such good news. I won't deadhead and let the birds go nuts.
I can't believe I removed the bedroom screen to take this but it's well worth the hasstle.
I love Blue Fort. I love it as background for the Satisfaction Lilies in a few years with more lilies it will be one of my favorite spots in the garden.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

That's a great pic, ge! It does make a great combo there, I agree. Laughing at you taking the screen out, though:-) Hey, pot those seedlings up and trade away, lol!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, only Golden Jubilee has re-seeded (big-time!) for me. I still like it though - better than weeds and it fills the gaps. Black Adder looks nice.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

tggfisk you are a riot and verrrrry helpful.
I did also post on the agastache forum , I had no idea there were devoted folowers of various perennials, befor DG i only knew about th Lily Soc. and Rose Soc.
Cant be bothered with the minucheii so I'll take a pass.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

This is good info everyone. Victor I want to put the BA near the 'Coppertina' ninebark. I think they will accent each other nicely. Now if the weather ever cools down I can get things out and start re arranging. Also my DLs from GC arrived yesterday, big healthy plants as usual and I want a BA to go near them too or maybe russian sage. Hmmm lots to think about.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

You will learn so much over on the Ag/Salvia forum...Dr. Rich Dufresne posts over there regularly. He hybridized some of my favorites like a. Tutti Fruitti, and salvia Wild Watermelon. There are also some other cool folks over there. Gerris 2 has tons of salvias and takes amazing pics. I usually just lurk there. What can I possible add to the discussion with people like that other than ohhhhh, ahhhhhh!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I also want to go back.
I never dreamed there were so many varieties of Salvia, I might have a new plant lust comming
Jo Ann

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

oh, yes...I can feel you coming over to the salvia side!!! I just bought one of Rich's when I went to Plant Delights last month. One of my many addictions, lol!

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Okay ordered from Santa Rosa. Also got a stokesia 'Mary Gregory' and kniphofia 'Flamenco'. Can't wait to see how they look.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Good luck, Pat! I'm not a big salvia fan since they really do need deadheading and get that ugly 'donut hole' effect. Can't stand that. Love agastaches but they really need good drainage (only certain parts of my garden) - except GJ, which seems to grow anywhere!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, good choices! I have Mary Gregory...nice blending in plant and I love yellow. It's a very soft yellow. Kniphofias are great plants. I actually wintersowed some of those-a dwarf called 'Traffic Lights'- and they came up! Course it'll take them a while to get to blooming size, but I was just so happy that they were successful, I'll wait! Cool, you have a box coming:-)

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

hey victor! Good gosh, hope it's ok for a southerner to be on these threads, lol!! There are bunches of different kinds of salvia, not all of them will need so much deadheading. Have ya tried a big stand of black and blue? Mercy! I don't know if it's hardy there, but down here, there's certainly no dh'll take over the world if you let it down here:-)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi tgg! Of course you're always welcome here! I'll look into B & B. Thanks.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Is that Bees&Butterflys Victor?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Black & Blue, as tgg referred to. Not familiar with it.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, victor! It may be an annual there, but the hummers love it here...and the bees and butterflies:-) might be well worth it. Try the plant trading forums. You may well find someone that has it there. I'd send you some, but I've been so nuts around here that I don't know when I'd get it to you and the growing season would slip away...

Craryville, NY

This has been a great thread to pick up on, as I was just lusting after a. Black Adder last night! And lordy, another mail order house, my list is becoming a behemoth!!!!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm pretty sure black and blue is NOT hardy, at least up here; I think I've coveted it before!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I just bought Black Adder this summer from a local nursery, a nice big one. We will see if it does well for me. I read that it's critical that it gets very good drainage, especially for overwintering, and that you should add gravel in the planting hole. We will see how it does. It's hardy to zone 6, and I'm in 6a, so here's hoping it will overwinter for me. I love it!


Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I am glad to hear you like yours Karen. I hope we both have luck with them over-wintering. Mine has arrived and needs to get planted so it can get a really nice big root system to survive the winter. The plant itself is in only a 3" pot but looking at the root system it is well rooted and should do fine I think. I can't wait to see the flowers.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I planted thre littleones in May from Bluston so you know how small they were.
Mine is Blue Fountin
I have heard great thinge from other DGers,lotts of bees and Goldfinches when it goes to seed.
this is it.
That was the 3rd of Aug, now it has covered the iris.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh what a nice clump you have started there. I love BF because this time of year except for asters and a very few other things, there aren't too many really nice blue tones in the garden. They bloom for such a nice long time too, just can't beat the job they do in the garden.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, you do get a lot of bees with the agastaches. I love them. Didn't know the finches liked the seeds. I have the Mexican hyssop called 'Tutti Fruiti', and there was a hummer at it the other night. So cute!


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