Weightloss Challenge for Aug. 2 - Aug 9

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I woke up to a lovely summer morning. It got down to the upper 70s during the night but with the humidity it felt more like upper 80s according to the news & weather out of KC.

I have a lot to get done today. Don't know if it will all happen or not. I do know I want to at least stop by the park and see J.R. and speak to him for a minute. Don't know at the moment if I'll stay for the picnic. Kris and Shad are coming tomorrow and there is so much to do before then. I need to call the thrift store and see what time they close. I think noon on Sat. which means I have to be in town for 2 hours before the picnic. I have some things for Kris I want to get paid for and out of there so I can give them to her. I could do my grocery shopping & then go to the park for a few min. I did make some baked beans and weiners to take to the picnic. Don't absolutely have to buy the milo today but if I do that is before noon too. It is that 2 hour gap that is bothering me. I don't want to make 2 trips to town. Actually if I go early this morning I know I won't go to the picnic.

Must go tend to the birds and do some house cleaning. GOD bless and keep each of you.

Right now my stomach feels like it has a concrete block in it I've checked the kitchen and 'fridge and no signs of an eating binge that would have caused it.

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