same maple tree problem

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

We have a HUGE maple in the front yard (don't know what color it will turn yet... looking forward to seeing that) that has roots at the top of the soil for about 2 - 3 feet around the tree... I managed to get a coral bells into it (which I think I'd better move) and put some ajuga there that someone gave me as a gift... the owners (we rent) planted some myrtle in the front but it's not doing great, this area is SO dry and no matter how much water I seem to give it, it stays that way. Deep shade all the day long...

Would it be better for the tree to mulch thickly and forget trying to cover the pad of roots?

Thanks for your ideas...


Hi Janiejoy' I myself wouldn't cover the roots'

Lynn Haven, FL(Zone 8a)

I would put my plants in pots and sit them around the roots.

Elyria, OH

I have the same tree ! Nothing wants to grow, so I laid a heavy ring bedding of mulch, planted a few hosta and
whala.....Didnt seem to hurt the maple at all. And now I dont have to mow over those above ground roots :-)

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