Unexpected Yuckie Slime!

Does anybody know what happened to my Oenothera speciosa 'Siskiyou' ??http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/54831/

Last evening I noticed an entire patch of this stuff had turned brown. This morning I reached in with my pruning shears intending to cut these off at the ground with the hopes that they would return. I was expecting dry brittle plants and instead grabbed hold of slime!! Yuck! I cleaned my pruning shears with bleach and am wondering if I need to pull all these out and treat the soil. None of my other kinds of plants are affected - some right next to these. There are even some iris mixed right in that are fine so far.

added info: We just had the remnants of hurricane Dolly come through and received about 3-4 inches of rain over a couple of days and in the weeks just prior to that received another couple of inches of rain.

Thumbnail by angele

another photo to show how every Oenothera plant has been affected but nothing else. There is another bed with a few Oenothera that are completely healthy.

Thanks for looking!

Thumbnail by angele
Bartlett, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes, it looks like they drowned....

thanks rosa, I think that is what happened. I pulled them all out and let the dirt bake in the sunshine for a week then I put a pineapple sage in. It is doing fine. I don't think it was anything too serious.

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