Cosmos with whitish foliage

Litchfield, ME

My cosmos are growing nicely and are all budded but this morning I notice alot of the foliage had turned white, almost like someone threw paint on them. Any idea on what this could be?
I noticed the same on my corncockle which is not too far from the cosmos. :(

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

My first guess would be powdery mildew, although a picture would help. Or maybe a big bird came by and let loose?

Litchfield, ME

You're funny ecrane3 - I think it's more than a bird letting loose! :P
It must be powdery mildew as we've had alot of rain and very moist nights with extremely high humidity. Plus I planted them very close so I'm thinking not enough air circulation.

Do you know of any ways to attack the problem? I am planning on selling cut flowers and don't want this to ruin in it! It's my income these days!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, the way you talked about it looking like paint splatters took me there! LOL The best way to control powdery mildew is to either have low moisture/humidity or have good air circulation (or ideally both), but unfortunately there's not much you can do about those. You could try spraying with a fungicide (make sure you look at the label and see if it lists powdery mildew or not), or some people I think have had luck with a baking soda spray. I've never had to deal with it, so hopefully someone who has will come along and can recommend something more specific.

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