best yard sale find?

Santa Rosa, CA(Zone 9b)

I originally posted this on the Back Porch, and was directed to this forum. I didn't turn anything into a treasure - yet.. but I found a treasure to me..

So I recently moved from southern FL to northern CA. wow - what a great decision - but that's a whole other story.

In the move we got rid of a lot of stuff. And I vowed to myself that when I needed something (or wanted) for that matter I would try and buy it second hand.

I have been wanting a new teapot. One that has a harmonic whistle - and not the usual whistle. I've priced them online and they can be $70 and above. Gasp for a teapot?

anyway.. on Sunday while leisurely browsing the local flea market - what did I find? Whoa... that $70 teapot for SEVEN dollars. Almost brand new.. [happy dance]

I just love those great finds... to the guy selling it, it was just a teapot - to me... it was a TREASURE (well worth the wait to find it)..

Tell me bout you best finds at the flea market, swaps and yard sales..

Also found a very pretty decorative pillow for $2 (price tag was still on it... $49)

Ya gotta love it!

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