How do I know when to harvest corn

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)


This is my first year growing corn, I have them in an Earthbox (see photo), but since I have never grown them before I need some pointers on how I know when the ears are ready for harvest.

Thanks in advance!

Thumbnail by essentialplanet
Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

When the silks begin browning. You can pinch the ear toward the end and get an idea of how fat the kernels are and they don't usually fill out all the way to the end.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow Essentialplanet - those looks great! How many plants in your EB? I've never used my EB's for corn - but might do that next year. Let us know what you get!

Saint David, AZ(Zone 8a)

The ears will also pull away from the stalk a bit when they are ripe, silks get dry and brown and the ends kinda fill out.
Great looking corn - I'm in corn envy!

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the tips! Very helpful!

Bookworm, there are 16 plants to a box - I just went by the EB instruction booklet.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I have 16 in my box as well. The bottom third of the leaves however are brown, I'm told it's lack of nitrogen? Went by the directions. Maybe next year I'll give it an extra shot of miracle grow. I do have a few ears forming but so far out of 16 plants only about 4 ears.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Essentialplanet. I've only grown tomatoes and squash in mine, but another box might be in order!

south central, PA(Zone 6b)

When to pick corn can be tricky - we have picked a lot too early (tiny tasteless kernels) and too late (starchy kernals with tough skins). We learned :

Wait until the silks turn brown pretty much all the way. Then, pick in the "milk" stage - Carefully peel back a strip of the silks and husk about 1-1/2 inches to see kernals below the tip of the ear. Kernals not ripe enough will be small and sort of pointy looking where the silk is attached. If it looks ready, pierce a kernal with your fingernail - if the juice is clear it's too early, if it's milky it's just right, if it's doughy and the kernal is tough it's too mature. If it's too early, just press the husk back into place.

If it's ready take a look and feel of the ear so you know what it looks like ready for that variety.

You can also kind of feel if the ear of corn is filled out and firm, but we have found this is not totally dependable and takes practice. Good luck with your first corn!

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)


Thanks! That is extremely helpful information!

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