What is a black lace elderberry tree & where do I find it?

Whitesboro, TX

My mom is wanting a black lace elderberry tree & I'm having no luck finding them. Does anybody know what they are & where to find them? If you do LMKP as she lives in the mountains in WA & she has fallen in love w/it & I'd like to find her a couple. Thanks for the read & help & Have a great day gardening!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

A good gardening center is where I got mine. They may just stock them in the spring and/or fall.

Proven Winners was the grower.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Central, AL(Zone 8a)

I got mine at one of the local home and garden centers, possibly Lowe's:

Thumbnail by passiflora_pink
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Here they sell them at Lowes,Home Depot and all the major nurseries.Also,local stores like Shopko and Walmart.They are available online,but that is a more expensive alternative.They are called Sambucus Black Lace. Lynn

I bought two from Garden Crossings last year but they were tiny. Then I went to a local nursery and saw the same thing---only MUCH larger. I bought the larger plants and pulled the teeny ones. The name of mine is
Sambucus nigra ‘Eva’
Black Lace Elderberry
USPP #15575

It's actually supposed to be more of a bush than a tree. I've heard that you can prune them to the ground each year but I like the large plants so far.

Thumbnail by valrita
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

There are some other black varieties of sambucus but Black Lace's foliage is very cut.

This is Black Lace.


Here is Black Beauty.


My blooms from this spring:

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Whitesboro, TX

Thanks DGers -love the pics & plants so Mom might have to wait for hers...LOL just teasing! I really apperciate you taking the time to give me this info as I had no clue as to what she was talking about but I'm not a big tree grower in the 1st place & had no idea as to where to start to look for this thing at but now I know it's a PW plant I should be able to track it down. Again many thanks for the help - DGers are the most helpful & kind people I've had the pleasure of working w/ on the web. May your gardens be as gorgeous & bountiful as your hearts are, Carol aka Catss

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

You are so right Catss! There are a lot of great people here.
Just for further info,Black Lace can be cut to the ground each year to keep it smaller.I don't do it that way.Mine tends to sprawl out a little wider than it is tall.I just shorten any overlong branches and then cut all of the lower branches off.This gives it more of a tree look and does it absolutely no harm.Lynn

Porter, TX(Zone 9a)

Does the Blacklace set berries? If so are they edible?

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Yes,they do set berries.They are often used in jelly,jam or wine.Birds love them.Lynn

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't remember seeing my Black Lace set berries. My green "wild" one has berries on it but I let the birds have it.

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

The berries on mine are very dark in color.I have read that Black Lace is a European cultivar and the berries should not be eaten raw,Also,the foliage,bark and leaves can be harmful if ingested by pets.Lynn

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