Feedback requested for Solexx greenhouses

Flagstaff, AZ

I am doing research on greenhouses and keep coming back to the Solexx brand. Does anyone have knowledge of this material? I live in a VERY windy area and need something that will tolerate the wind on a budget. I also live at 7000 ft elevation and need something that will withstand the atmosphere. Are there others that you have found to tolerate high winds? Thank you!

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

I have a Rion GH46 that has withstood 60+mph winds with no damage. It's bolted to a 4x6 treated base, which is bolted to a concrete pad. If I get damage from winds higher than that, I'm pretty sure my insurance will cover it. =)


Flagstaff, AZ

Thank you for your input, Eggs. I'll look at the Rion, also.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm wondering how the Rion is holding up for you Eggs? Any complaints or "wish I would haves"? What about with size? I'm seriously thinking, but like Love50, am looking for one that holds up well. By the way love50, what did you ever decide on & what do you think now?

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

No problems, structurally. Of course, I wish it was bigger. =) Only thing I've had to do to it, that wasn't included in the kit, was to run silicone beads in certain areas to make it a bit more air-tight. That helped tremendously this past winter. I hold 60 degrees in the winter, with two 1500W electric heaters, and it keeps within about 10 degrees of outside temps in summer, with only one 12" fan.

I do wish sometimes that I'd have built in on a kneewall, just for added height, but I'm happy with it as it is. =)

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

congrats then, that's so good to hear. I definitely have to look into these then. I doubt I can get the money together this winter, but I can start putting away for it now & sometime next year, I'll be good to go. Thanks Eggs! Looks like there may be one more thread on this forum re: greenhouses, guess I'll start reading that too.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Yup, the stressbaby thread has great info!

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