Storm damage last night

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Anyone else have hail damage from yesterday 7/22. We had quarter size hail, then nickel size twice after that. Very high winds knocked down large and small branches everywhere. Took the top off of a poplar tree next to the greenhouse. Our power was out for over 5 hours. Came back on at 12:45 AM. My peppers are pretty bad, but the tomatoes are worse. Of course, the tomatoes were really not in good shape because they've got a disease of some sort. We were gone for a week. Here's a pic of the top of the poplar tree.

Thumbnail by beclu727
Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Beclu - Sorry about your damage - you didn't mention rain, but I hope you got some! Mostly, am thankful YOU are OK. The strongest storms seem to be skirting us, and the rain, too - we had a bare sprinkle this morning, and a light rain briefly last evening, but not enough, I fear to make a 'dent'. Samantha

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Samantha,

We got lots of rain. Here's a pic of it pouring off the roof by the back door. We got a couple inches at least in about 2 hours time. Hope you get some soon.


Thumbnail by beclu727
Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Our damage was really minimal compared to what some people have had. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little pruning, pulling up or drying out. Here's the hail on our back deck. When I took my granddaughter to camp this morning, there were trees and limbs down all over. Power company was still working on lines on 324. Becky

Thumbnail by beclu727
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Becky, as Samantha said, thank goodness you are okay and the damage at your place is not too extreme. I thought there was some hail last night, but DH said it was just big drops. lol Honest, I put the rain stick away weeks ago.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh my Becky, glad there was no serious damage. Do you have wilt in your tomatoes. This hasn't been a good year for them. That 100 degree temp back in June really slowed mine down. But plum dandy is doing well. Had some very small ones from Stupice (are they suppose to be small?) Since we have gotten a little rain they are all putting on more blooms. Don't know if they will set any tomatoes or not.

My goodness, I'm sorry for the damage you got! That storm (the majority of it) passed right on by us by less than a mile or so and just kept gathering speed until it got to you!

Glad you are safe,


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

All, Thanks for the kind thoughts.

Laurel, I'm glad your rain stick is put away. Another storm like this one and we'd be floating for sure.

Elaine, Yes I think it is wilt or a fungus. They are all dying from the bottom. Since we were gone a week, they are probably too far gone to save. The Stupice are small, mine have been about 2 inch diameter max. Mostly smaller. Did you get any cherokee purple from me? The ones I have planted with that label certainly aren't CP. They are a small red variety...

GGG, How is your tornado recovery coming?


Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Becky, no didn't get any Cherokee Purple. Sorry about yours. I know how disappointing that is when you have put all that time and energy in them. I got green zebra, cherry, and plum dandy. They are doing better since we got a little rain. My cannas are doing well. I will save you some seeds if you need them.

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