Late Summer - What do you have blooming?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

We came from here

I noticed the old thread was getting slow to load so I thought I'd start a new one.

My first Stargazer is open : )

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Here is a collage of new blooms throughout my gardens.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Meredith! Gorgeous blooms. Your Stargazer is such a yummy color.

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Our back bed if finally getting lush..I love this sunflower..I don't remember planting any in there, so it must have been a gift from the birds.

Thumbnail by artemiss
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thank you staceysmom : )
Artemiss, Your back bed is very pretty : ) I've noticed sunflowers from the birds here too! Mine aren't anywhere near as pretty as yours! I have a little sunflower fort started for my DD. She keeps asking me when they will flower? They are only like 6" high right now so it's going to be a while I tell her. lol

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

My first tiger lilies opened.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

A caladium in bloom

Thumbnail by gardengus
Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I think the leaves are prettier.

Thumbnail by gardengus
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Wow that caladium has some cool leaves! What a nice tiger lily too1 Very pretty!

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

I feel a "post-spring letdown", thinking my garden is rather dull right now, but I was surprised to see how much actually is blooming here in coastal NorCA. Going L-R and then down:
1) garage driveway wall
2) closeup of lantana, santolina, and agapanthus flowers from #1
3) sunny side yard, with red cannas and in the background, a white-flowered oleander standard
4) part of the backyard, pelargoniums, canna and solanum vine in bloom
5) 'Tropicanna' canna
6) closeup of those beautiful 'Tropicanna' leaves

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's another collage, again L-R, going down:
1) Aeonium and Shasta daisy
2) CA fuchsia 'Firecracker'
3) lacecap hydrangea with JapMaple 'Emperor 1'
4) Red mini-dahlia
5) Daylily 'Evening Enchantment' and spoon-petal osteospermum

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Collage #3, L-R and going down:
1) 'Priscilla' glads - these pop up everywhere!
2) 'Double Delight' floribunda rose
3) 'Intrigue' rose
4) 'Sun Goddess' hydrangea - beautiful chartreuse leaves

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Collage #4:
1) 'Delany Sisters' floribunda rose
2) very late CA orange poppy hanging on, next to convolvulus groundcover
3) Oxalis siliquosa flowers and variegated plectranthus groundcover
4) Pink variegated leaf dwarf canna

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Last collage:
1) Tibouchina urvilleana
2) Pink cestrum
3) shrub rose 'Ladies in Waiting'
4) agapanthus and throatwort in a vase

Thumbnail by jkom51
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

WOW that's a let down!? You have so much blooming, everything looks beautiful! : )

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I second that I would gladly take that ""let down''
Beautiful display.

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Wow! Beautiful! Love your combos too.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Breathtaking blooms, jkom51!

Pat Austin burst into bloom this morning, thanks to the edge of Hurricane Dolly --

Thumbnail by brigidlily
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

as did morning glories

Thumbnail by brigidlily
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

and marigolds.

Thumbnail by brigidlily
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Very nice pictures from everyone today.

These yellow pansies keep on going. Looks like they were lining up for a "family portrait.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The white ones also! Reminds me of a choir singing..

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Lavender cleome

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Meredith, thank you! It didn't turn out quite as I had planned, but in the end, I am pleased.
It is funny about the sunflowers..I planted this bed in honor of my late grandma and great-aunt. They were sisters who passed within a few months of each other when I was 13. Were it not for them, i would likely have never had the love of gardening I have today. Everything I planted in there was either something they grew, or let me grow.
Your daughter's sunflower fort reminded me that they also used to grow those for me..and I had forgotten all about it! Now I see those "surprise" sunflowers in a different light.

Here is a "seashells" cosmos from that same bed..

Thumbnail by artemiss
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

That didn't work so well!
let me try a different shot..

Thumbnail by artemiss
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

Liatris from the front island..

Thumbnail by artemiss
Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

I love your cleome Bea. I planted some this spring, but they either never came up, or were pulled by accident as weeds.
..I am surprised your pansies are still going, mine pooped out long ago..(although I have a few larkspurs that are just now blooming..go figure)

This is another fun two-toned petunia..I have a couple of plants that have had the neatest blooms like two are alike beyond being lavender-pink and white..

Thumbnail by artemiss
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Artemiss, more beautiful blooms!
Sounds to me like gram and auntie noticed you needed some sunflowers in there : D So they had a little birdie help you out : D

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

jkom51, that photo of your with the throatwort is one of my absolute favorites! I have it in my garden journal too for inspiration :)))

I started a few from seed and just planted them yesterday. I really hope they make it. What kind of exposure is yours in?

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

These delphiniums are so soft in color and sweet looking.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

This a mini rose called Bee's Knees

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Another mini- Busy Bee

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, BeaHive, those are just lovely!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

These are the prettiest sweet peas. I love the red edge.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

What zone are you in, BeaHive? My sweetpeas are LOOOOOONG gone.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Buddleia with a bee

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Beahive, beautiful as usual! : ) I especially love that Busy Bee rose it is such a pretty color!

I also have a delphinium to share. I grew it from seed last year so I am excited to see it flowering for the first time.
It's Delphinium exaltatum.

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

adenophora potanini

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Meredith..that Delphinium exaltatum is beautiful! On my list for next year...
Rose America in bud

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by BeaHive

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