Schizophragma Hydrangeoides Moonlight transplant shock

Portland, OR

I have had a schizophragma for about 8 years now and a few years ago it finally started blooming - gorgeous!. I have had it in a large plastic pot on the north side of a fence and, for the past two years, have intended to build around it a raised bed so I could take it out of the pot. A few weeks ago, instead of waiting until the fall when it would be dormant, I impulsively transferred it into a much larger cedar tub. Unfortunately, I hadn't realized a large root had grown through the plastic pot and, since I was moving it myself, without another pair of strong arms, I ripped the root while removing the original container. I did prune a fair amount of the stems but over subsequent days leaves dropped and now it looks a bit sad. I gave it plenty of compost, mulch, etc., and am pretty sure it will eventually be okay but am wondering if I should really prune it hard - even though it is slow-growing and I hate to lose the gain in height and spread of the last few years. Any suggestions?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you've already pruned it a fair amount that should make up for the reduction in roots, I'd give it a little time and see if it perks up. I'd also check up on your watering--you mention that you moved it into a "much larger" cedar tub. Potting up into a much larger pot can make it much easier to accidentally overwater, that's why it's recommended that you pot up one size at a time rather than going up into a much larger pot.

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