Lets have a big welcome...."""aet1223"Charlotte, Mi...

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello and welome aet1223...glad you found us.. Please come her often in your visits..to DG....Michiganders are great..and there are a lot of us..on DG..too...If you have any questions..navigating...just ask...some one will help you out...Also..tell us about your gardens...and anything else you can share...

Again..welcome...(((( nice to meet you)))).....


Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

welcome welcome hope you have a great time here we all do

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome aet1223. Glad to have you here. We're growing and so happy to be able to chat with local gardeners. Tell us about your garden.


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome aboard!!! Have fun learning right along with us and asking questions. Ronna

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

join right in and have fun
welcome to the site

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Welcome!!!! Glad you could join us!!!


Charlotte, MI

Hello, and thank you for the welcome. I recognize Plainwell - not to far away, been through there. I'm sorry - the others I'll have to look up on the map.

I work a lot of hours but during the season I try to spend half hour or so outside,late evening after getting home. Mostly weeding! My gardens are all perennials. They mostly have to take care of themselves. I have been able to do more this year finally. Not there yet but they are looking so much better than last 2-3 years when work has prohibited to much time. I have quite a variety. I really like Iris, Peonies... try to and am adding more colors. I share with co-workers or whoever. Have had clients that I've traded with - kinda whereever I find like-minded. This year I made an effort to add later, longer blooming perennials so that have flowers all along as past years' time prohibited doing things I'd think about and wish to do....

Hope all of you have wonderful gardens to enjoy....

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