Termites under the Zucchini

Medford, NJ

I decided today that the groundhog is the winner in the Battle for the Zucchini Plant. Every night he eats more and more of it, and finally I just yanked it out of the flower bed I had it growing in....to my surprise, as I went back to fill in the hole, I found the whole area under where the zucchini plant was swarming with those little white termite larvae.....what the heck are they doing in there???

The area is a mulched bed, I did not re-mulch this year, so most of what is on the ground is mulch from last year and the years before. Last year it was trucked in by a landscaper, the years before I did this area myself with bagged mulch. We have termites in the area, and all the garden sheds and the main house are treated for termites by an exterminator. This is the first time, however, that I have found them just living in the dirt. I dug holes in the same area, a foot away, 3 feet away, and so on, looking for more, but they seem confined to the one area where the zucchini plant was growing..at least in this bed!! The house and the garden sheds are all a good distance away, but there is a wooden wysteria arbor about 5 feet away. As far as I can tell, the arbor is not "termite compromised"....

Could they have been in the dirt or peat pots the zucchini came in? Or is it typical for them to just pick a spot in the garden and set up house? I sprayed with the only thing I had around, Ortho home pest control, and believe me - I sprayed good - but I am still concerned. Does anyone know about this or has anyone had the same experience, just coming across these critters in one small area of the garden? Who knows where else they may be - I would have to start digging all over the place to see -

I am really creeped out, and the groundhog looks alot better to me now!

Thanks in advance for any ideas, advice, or sympathy


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