Ants in my Squash

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

I suddenly have ants crawling in all my squash
blossoms. They are not bothering the nearby
tomato plants or peppers, just the squash blossoms.
I am cultivating an organic container garden and
don't want to spray anything on the plants.

Are the ants doing harm, or (hopefully) are they
helping pollinate the blossoms?

Saint David, AZ(Zone 8a)

The ones I have in my squash are really tiny things and I'm hoping they are just pollinating them. I haven't seen any other damage or aphids so.... We always get a lot of them during the monsoon. Rain seems to bring them out but it doesn't seem like they do any damage

Clinton, CT(Zone 6b)

I grew a squash last year, Zuchino da Fiore, which was bred to produce large flowers but few zucchini. The ants loved Zuchino da Fiore. One day as I was washing ants off the flowers for the upteenth time and getting rather annoyed I had an insight. The plant made the flowers to attract both ants and me. Ants are just the way its going to be with squash. They didn't do any harm I could see (and with the flowers, appearance was important).

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

Fiberholic -- Yes, these little ants didn't show up until we
started getting our monsoon rains. So long as they aren't
destructive to the plant I'll leave them in peace.

David - I like your philosophy. The squash blossoms
really are lovely.

Thanks to both of you for responding.

Apple Valley, CA(Zone 10a)

I have them in my squash and zucchini flowers. Little tiny ones. Will they kill the blossoms? Do you think I will get fruit? How are yours doing?


Saint David, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey, mine are fine. I think they actually help with pollunation...don't know that, just think it. But they aren't doing any damage and there's no aphids to go along with them, so I'm just letting them be for the moment.

Apple Valley, CA(Zone 10a)

Ok, thanks....I hope I get some squash and cucs...from what I read pollination can be a problem. Guess we shall see. I planted late but we have a long season as you know!

Tonto Basin, AZ

Somewhat off topic here, but I just walked past a friend's car parked in our drive and noticed the windshield had zillions of teeny ants on it. On closer inspection, I saw that they were "harvesting" the remains of bugs splattered on the windshield.

Eveything's somewhere on the food chain.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

little ants have been crawling all over my cucumbers, all season. Best cucumber crop ever. apparently they dont eat very much, no bite marks that I could see.

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