flies/mosqitoes in compost pile

Plano, TX

am i the only one who has this problem? i know-it should heat up enough to kill them but i guess it doesn't--i like the compost but might have to give it up if this continues

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I get a lot of gnats/fruit flies. Could you let the top layer dry up for the summer? Or bury the fresh stuff down into the broken down portion?

Plano, TX

well i do that already--it is in the shade and in a back corner and i hate going back there now that the flies/mosquitos are all there

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yup- I throw my stuff and run!

Plano, TX

funny! well next time i will remind myself i am not the only one with a nasty pile!!

mulege, Mexico

If you have a "composter" that is black it will catch and retain heat. Old tires work fine for this. Check outwww.tirecrafting.com for instructions. You could also put up a bird feeder and/or a bat house to attract things that will eat some of the bugs.

If you hake a tire composter they give instructions on making a cover to keep out vermin. You could use a very tight screen to help keep out bugs.

Check out the bokashi threads. You can "bokashi" the stuff thaqt the attracts the bugs in a five gallon bucket, then bury it eithter in th ground or in your compost.

Or you can put the nasty stuff in a sealed container and leave it to compost anaerobically. It takes more time and space but you won't get bugs.


Plano, TX

great ideas--thanks!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I get some flies and nats, but I bury the debrie and it gets rid of them.

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