Cousin It Hanging Basket

Glace Bay, NS(Zone 5b)

Purchased a pair of these great looking hanging baskets.........the place I bought them in Prince Edward Island didn't know much about them other than they were called 'Cousin It' so named from the Munsters TV show. I know it is some kind of grass, does anyone have any idea if these plants can be cut back and overwintered indoors. They are great looking, rather unique. I spend the last couple of years getting rid of every blade of grass in my yard. Too funny that now I go and spend money on hanging baskets of grass

Thumbnail by bluecow
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sorry, I'm totally clueless. ( that's the way it usually is at my house)
I LOVE this The grandkids would really eat this up. (not literally)
I'll be interested to see what answers you get.

LOL - not one but 2! You say: they & baskets. Its cool looking.

Glace Bay, NS(Zone 5b)

Ya gotta love them, the grass is so soft it feels like silk. They require a lot of water, have been watering them daily, sometimes twice a day. They let you know when they are dry, get very limp looking. Here is a pix of them both together.

Thumbnail by bluecow
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

As a pair they certainly make quite a statement. Now I LOVE them even more!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow - that is really unique - and cool! (Cousin It was from the Addams Family) Be careful of tall grazers! I would love them instead of my lawn.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Tall grazers - do you mean giraffes? THAT would be something wouldn't it?

Do we know what it is yet? I'm dying to find out.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Looks similar to Agrostis-stolonifera-Green-Twist ( a bent grass variety). ☺

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I'd say that looks pretty close! Good find, WC. I'd like to know more about it.

Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I have a rhipsalis which we call 'Cousin Itt', too. It is not grassy, but a very fine, segmented cactus/succulent.

Glace Bay, NS(Zone 5b)

Thanks is indeed a Agrostis-stolonifera-Green-Twist. I would also like to know more about it. The little info out there that I did find out there on it suggests not to let it get loose in your yard, highly invasive. Still cannot find out if it I can somehow cut it back and overwinter it indoors. Will try it anyway.
Victor you are right.......'Cousin It' is from the Adams Family not the Munsters. Also reminds me of the Buckingham Palace guards hats.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

You're welcome bluecow, here is some additional information I found on it via its Patent as a relatively new cultivar. It also gives a good general Idea of the characteristics/ habits of the Agrostis genus. ☺

Craryville, NY

I LOVE it! Does anyone know about how one can purchase it? I have a weird window alcove 8ft. above my entryway that needs some serious plant decorating, and while I have some plants already prepared for that spot, these would finish the job! BTW, I am in Craryville, NY, Mid-Hudson Valley and I am new to this forum. Glad to meet everyone!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Welcome Morrigan,you'll like it here.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Welcome, Morrigan. Yes this is quite the site! You'll learn a whole bunch.


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi and welcome, morrigan. I would still like to know about its care, hardiness, etc.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Check the patent link under 'general' Victor. ☺

(I don't want to copy & paste it w/o obtaining their permission). :)

This message was edited Jul 17, 2008 1:01 PM

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Okay, I see it. Thanks, WC. Would have to take it in.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Where can it be found? ( as in to purchase) please

I looked at the link you gave and it has info, but I haven't found a site that actually sells it.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Cultivars of the species are used on professional sports fields (esp golf). So far I have only found one place which is willing to sell to the gen public but in seed form. There is however no guarantee that it is the specific cultivar 'Green Twist'. A phone call to them asking for their assistance may be helpful as they are familiar with the species and may know of a US based source for the hobbyist.

These guys may be able to help:

Creeping bentgrass in native in California but the cultivar 'green-twist' is a patented invention from Europe which doesn't seem to have been marketed here yet in the US as a 'specimen plant' as far as I can tell.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks watercan2 for your efforts about this. Appreciate it


Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

My pleasure. ☺

Craryville, NY

Hey, thanks for all the "welcomes"! How nice it is to hear. I will try those links and layers of advice too, I looked it up, and found warnings about letting it escape! We could all probably write a wonderful round-robin about this plant based on that warning, no? :-) I would still like to find a specimen.... Bluecow: from whom did you purchase these on PEI? Maybe they could be a source for those of us nuts enough to want some?

Glace Bay, NS(Zone 5b)

morrigan....we were traveling on the island (PEI) and stopped for a coke at a market. While in there I noticed they had a gardening center and the 'Cousin It' hanging plants immediately caught my eye and it was love at first sight. Then I had to figure out how I could possibly smuggle them into our van without my dear DH noticing. While he was fueling up I opened the back of the van, which is separated from the front by a wall and quicky threw them in on top of the gear we were travelling with (musical equipment). When we got home I kept them in the back of the van until the next day.While he was golfing I got them out and found the perfect spot to hang them on our front veranda. Too funny later that day he noticed them and said
"when did you get those, look like the ones I saw in PEI" He is not as blind as I thought
Returning to PEI next week for a day, will look up the name of the place

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

That reminds me of the Lucille Ball movie where she filled up the trailer with rocks and Desi didn't know! lol! ☺

Craryville, NY

bluecow: Thanks! Yes, I do the same thing with the Sanctuary animals here, figuring my old man won't notice another one squeezed in. But they can surprise you, those squirrelly husbands! They seem to suffer from "selective observations dysfunction" or "SOD". Sad, sad, sad.............

If you can find out the name of the roadside purveyor of said Cousin It, then maybe we can contact them and ask who their supplier is/was. Thanks again!

Like mine - complains about the heat..........Now in the heat of the day MOWING!! Good gats.

Craryville, NY

They are totally un-educable IMO, but I've managed to live with it for 30 yrs. this past July 16!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

schick - I know it's useless to ask, but is it a riding mower with an AC cab?

Morrigan - Happy Anniv.

If it was he would sleep in it at night :-) I would bring him the pillow.

Craryville, NY

Thank you Jan23. We are trying to set a record and stay married longer than anyone else we know in our age range. Just to prove that it can be, I'm only joking. I got the last Great One, and when people say how did you stay together so long, I always answer honestly, we crack each other up. I think that's the real secret, else who would've stayed with ME?????? With my animals?????

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Happy anniversary, morrigan. My parents just celebrated 49 and my wife and I, 17.

Craryville, NY

Well, congrats to all of us! you must be a youngster, Victor :-))

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

45, morrigan.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow, I've really tried to do the whole thread and this is my best shot. "Cousin It" is looking like a rhipsalis though some rhipsalis have been reclassified as Hattiora. I can answer questions about this plantu

What does IMO mean (I know this is a dork question).

I was married on January 24, thirty seven years ago (infant arranged marriage of course).lol


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