When to re-pot................

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Guys,

At what size do you guys transplant from seed tray to pots?

These are my two succesfull trays from seed.


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Debi,
We do meet in the oddest of places, don't we? Give them quite a while yet I would say. Check the underside of the small pots for big fat white roots coming out of the bottom drainage holes, otherwise I wouldn't disturb them unless the bulbs are crowding each other in some way. The roots are a bit more delicate on such small plants than they are on the adult bulbs which can take a lot of abuse and still come back smiling. You could probably benefit from giving the ones on the left a feed as soon as the weather warms up a little. They won't do much now until about mid August when the weather starts to warm up a bit (it's winter here for all you northern hemisphere folks) - my hippeastrums are ASLEEP!

Ciao, KK.

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