Washington Hawthorn Tree Trees for Birds

Wauseon, OH(Zone 5a)

I have planted a Washington Hawthorn Tree and this make my second one that something eat off, Can anyone tell me where I can buy a new one one through the Mail Order Nursery?

I am done with Nature Hill, nothing ageist them but there trees are small.

Or better yet can you help me in picking a tree out for Birds?

I was hoping that there was another nursery that had Washington Hawthorn trees of bigger size, but if you know of a tree that would take a place of this and is very beautiful in the Spring as will as in the Fall please let me know what it is and where to get it?

I now have a Sourwood, 2 Crabapple, Oak, Wild Black Cherry, and looking to get a Dogwood tree.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Any mail order place is likely to have small plants similar to what you got from Nature Hill, I'd probably check local nurseries instead since they will tend to have larger plants. And if they don't have one in stock, some of them will be happy to order one for you.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

In my experience that species grows quickly. I have a 5-foot tree that I planted as a freebie from the Arbor Day people several years ago.

I have been pleased with Musser Forests; they have affordable trees though I haven't gotten a W.H. from them I have grown many others with good survival.

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

I purchased three Washington Hawthornes from Shooting Star Nursery this past spring. I was very impressed with the whole process, great packing, healthy plants. I can't wait for the weather to cool off some, I will be ordering from them again. Good luck! Pam

Eau Claire, WI

Birds don't seem to much care for the haws off my WH's. In fact, of all my flowering/fruiting trees, I'd say this one is their least favorite. The dried fruit is still there for the picking in late winter/early spring. A major bird magnet for me is Cornus alternifolia (Pagoda Dogwood). This tree is near the house and bird activity is easily viewed through a window. Its rather entertaining to watch them flitter about the tree as they seem to completely lose themselves in the harvest.

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