ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 116 - So many weeds, so little time!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Sue...no...it's the whole shrub! And it's a big one too...about 7-8 ft tall. Oh I just hate the thought of cutting it down. It stands at the entrance to my tropical garden! I'll have to post on the tree forum and see what they say.
Bonnie...I have been miserable all day...sorry to tell you. I think I am gonna have to bite the bullet and get them done. There seems to be no relief. This hurts twice as much as my back! But I guess that's because I am always putting weight on them...and the bones are rubbing.
Yes...I had a wonderful childhood, and didn't even realize it! We spent a lot of time with our grandparents...not staying overnight...but visiting..holidays, picking time...etc....and weekends. People back then seemed to visit relatives more than now I think. We went to church on Sundays...had Sunday dinners at grandmas a lot.
When I get my old computer files back, I will have to look for a pic of the cabin. It was built by my grandfather, uncle and father. It was just for gettogethers for family and family reunions. A lot of good times there. My dad, uncle, and grandfather shared many things. Tools, tractors, trailers, etc. So we spent a lot of time together. My brothers and I were the only children, except for my aunt and uncle had a down's syndrome boy, whom wasn't able to speak or even think. They took care of him until he was twelve...then he was put in a home.
He was just a yr younger than me...and I remember I always thought I could teach him to do things....until I got older and understood that wasn't possible. I felt so sorry for him. He could...at least..walk.
BTW...that cabin is still standing..still in fairly good shape. We still have family reunions there. It belongs to my cousin now...my uncle's adopted son from Greece.
Your MIL sounds amazing. That is wonderful that she can still get about and do things. What kind of work did she do?
Ok...gonna go post on the tree forum.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh Melissa! My grandma made the BEST peach ice cream!!!! YUM!!! LOL....And I'm with you on the black raspberries!! When people talk about raspberries...those red ones...I think...oh you don't know what you are missing!!! Red are ...eh...ok...but give me black ANY day!!
Yes...our pear tree bears every other year heavily. And this year the sour cherry was loaded too! We had one cherry cake from it. I wasn't able to get them picked...and Dave didn't have time. I could only pick the low ones.:(
We also had a stone spring house..that my grandpa, uncle, and dad built. It was at our house, because we had the springs. Grandpa would store apples in there for the winter from his orchard. And they had an enclosed back porch, unheated, and there was always a bushel of apples on it. So it always smelled like apples. Whenever I smell apples, I think of that back porch.
Ok..off to the tree forum....I'm nostalgic tonight.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Marcy, I'm so sorry about your knees, I know it must be hard on you to be in pain all the time.

Bonnie, I'd take beets if my mom was still alive, she and my dad loved them. They always tasted like dirt to me. Weird sounding, but that's just what they remind me of. LOL If it gets to the point where I have more peaches than I know what to do with, I'll scream at you! LOL
but, I've never had that problem, we like them so much, and love them canned.

My new dehydrator came today, and I think I'm going to dehydrate some blueberries. :)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thank you Melissa. I'm sorry to be so whiney, but it is excruciating. Even the pain meds don't help. I just can't believe how everything went downhill so fast? I had a nurse tell me that ...that is the way it does with knees though.? Oh well...I am ready to call the dr.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

We had spring water too. :) That water is still the best tasting water ever, dad put in a cement holding tank that the spring fed into, and then we had a pump to get it into the house. All we had to do to get fresh spring water was turn on the faucet. :) We had the unheated back porch too.

My mom always talked about apples that her grandpa grew. he would dig a hole in the ground, put the apples in a burlap bag, and bury them, covering them with straw. She said the apples were the crispest sweetest apples she ever had.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Just do it Marcy, better to get it done now, than to take a chance on an early winter and slip/fall, or have to try to get around when you're rehabbing your knee/s

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Yep...ours was pumped to the house too. When I got married, that was the hardest thing I ever had to get used to...city water....LOL!! Spring water is THE best!
Ok...going to bed here...and get these legs in a prone position!!
Night all...sleep well.

I didn't make it to bed yet LOL
ok Melissa let me know on the peaches and other goodies you got and i will bring some black raspberries. :)
i love peaches. Oh we can do brandied peaches, peach marmalade
I got the Ball Complete Book with 400 receipes !! yeah baby
ok i got stuck watching Kathy Griffin and i just lover her , she cracks me up that one she does.
Marcy i don't think your a whiner , you sure have a right too. man i think your alot less whiney then i would be if i had to have my knee's redone . You go girl. !! :)
ok im going to try an go to bed lolol
Melissa did you get a Excalibur , if you did i m sooooo jealous.
good night

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Yes, I got the excalibur. :) I couldn't resist at those prices. But, I just ordered the small one, so I wouldn't get yelled at too much. LOL I really don't know how much I'll use it either, again, why I went with the smaller model..... I think it's going to have to live in the computer room with me though, I have no where to put it!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, meant to tell you that a couple of years ago, the crab apples, and ornamental plum tree had those bags on them. DH bought one of those little propane tanks and he climbed a ladder and burned them all. Other than that and hand picking them, I don't know of any other treatment.

I remember going to an Aunt's house where they had a spring on their property. She kept milk and things that needed refrigeration in there in a little box type thing. Of course they used the water too, and although I was very young, I can't remember the taste of the water. Good I am sure. I remember she had a water bucket on the back porch with a granite dipper in it. Everybody drank from the same dipper

When DH and I first got married, we rented a farm in a neighboring county, a VERY RURAL area, and the water that was piped into the house was sulfur water. Talk about taking some getting used to. Wow, it smelled like rotten eggs, and didn't taste much better. Needless to say, we lived there from about February till December, when our house burned to the ground. Never was so glad to be away from that place in all my life. Even if we did lose some of our belongings.

Wow, wonder what caused this trip down memory lane tonight, maybe a full moon, no, that was last night!!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

WOW, all this talk about blackberries, peaches, etc. Reminds me of my childhood also. Always spent summer with one grandma, picking blackberries, and canning everything out of the garden. The other grandma made the best peach cobbler in the world.

What memories will kids today have?? I don't think they are outside doing and helping like we were as kids. Too much video games...lol.

Marcy, a friend of mine had both knees replaced and is doing great!! Today on TV was a new something they can use. They said you don't have to go with the "one size fits all." Depending on a person's weight, body makeup, long legs or whatever...the drs can discuss which artificial thing to use.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay.. I give up.....

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Trouble posting, Dusty?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Bonnie... if you look close at the side of the house in the 2 pics, You will see what gardening I have done...Guess it wasn't enough....

The fact I nearly got killed tonight on the way home right at my door has me in a state of turmoil...I am off to bed after spending an hour typing that just went the way of the winds....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Dusty, so sorry, a near miss in the van? Please let us know what happened.

Marcy, I did mean to comment to you about the knees. The surgery has come a long way, and I think Judy has explained it as I understand it. And on another good note, it is not as invasive as it once was.

Wow, such simple things as growing fruit and berries can bring back a ton of memories. I sure wish that I had actually known my grandparents. My older brother and sister did, and they tell things that happened, but it is not like having it first hand.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Omg, Dusty, what ever happened, I'm glad to know you're still with us! We'll be looking forward to hearing the story tomorrow--rest well.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

do you use firefox?
Often times you can just hit the browser back, and your post typing is still there. DG has been acting weird for 2 days for me.

Rest well, and I'm glad it was a near miss... though I'm sorry you're upset right now.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Do you all know how hard it is to type on a keyboard that's all slimey with drool????
You shouldn't be talking about all that yummy stuff when I'm hungry...

Sis...please check in and let us know what happened.

Marcy, :o( sorry you feel icky with your knees. Hubby is in the same boat, but only one knee, the other one has already been done.

Is there anything better than puppies and kitties? I'm jealous you get to watch them grow, Bonnie.

~~~~ Hello to everyone!

Hey everyone
Melissa you got dmail
another scorcher today. got to get out before it gets too hot again. ugh
sleeped in LR and had window open , bug repellant on too.
not much today
would like to till up some weedeed areas at farm but just can't do it with the kids around. To humid for FIL to help, he's on oxygen. He can't go out.
so maybe i shall go can something. LOL
i do have my seedless black razz from yesterday. I got it to a jell point and put it in the fridge. I think i can reheat it and can it . ? or will i break the jell point ? i think i won't but just thinking out loud LOL i do that
Marcy take care of them knee's .
take care everyone
Dusty GOod lord woman Im so glad your ok . What a scare you must have had. Prayers for you lady.
Prayers for everyone too. :)
have a good day

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I read somewhere that Dave has been working on the server, so maybe that's why DG has been doing weird things.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I found some buff orpington chicks on Craiglist, not too far from
Wilmington. DD has been wanting to go spend a few days with my sister, so as soon as I hear back from the chick owner, I'm going to take her up there, then go pick up some new girls. :) My best friends future daughter in law asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to buy some of their barred rocks, she doesn't want her fiance to put them in the freezer... so hopefully I can get the chickens replaced fairly easily. :) We lost all of our Buff Orpingtons in the massacre, and 2 of our barred rocks. :(

I also got an email from the treasurers office that I need to come in and fill out all the paperwork for with holding and insurance before the end of the month! :) Maybe THEN it will finally sink in that I really did get the job. :)

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa, do you know anything yet about what the neighbors are going to do about your loss? And about their dog?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Dusty, what happened? Let us know when you can. You might try typing your post into Notebook or Word, then copying and pasting it into the message box on DG. That way you have it all if the post bombs. Maybe this will help, though I think you already know how to do that stuff! http://davesgarden.com/community/journals/viewentry/10202/

I've been scarce, not online as much. We finally broke down and put the AC on Wednesday morning since the forecast called for temps in the 90's and humid all week. Wednesday night found me with a migraine plus sinus headache - no fun! I would get up to relieve the sinus pain, but couldn't read or look at the TV or computer because of the light sensitivity. It was a long night. I worked Thursday, just a short five-hour shift.

It was dad's birthday, so Howie and I took him and mom to Subway for dinner after I got home, then out to coffee. We got him a gift certificate for a local buffet since he so enjoys going there once every couple weeks to meet folks for euchre games. Mom likes it, too, since she can putter around and not feel like she's abandoning him. LOL

Today I'm camped out on the patio, trying to do a little here and there, then cool off in between. I am not going inside other than to use the restroom or get something to drink. It's too cold in there! It's funny how we get used to things, isn't it? http://www.gardenwife.com/2008/07/18/id-rather-be-steaming/

All this talk of fruit trees...Wow. And here our one source of fruit was cut down last week when the mulberry tree was taken by the power company. It sure looks weird back there without it and the other trees that bordered our properties. They wouldn't take the big cherry since it was farther in; I'm kind of relieved, though I hope it doesn't ever drop big branches. Mandi's loving her sunny yard, though, and is excited about being able to grow sun-loving plants and use her greenhouse.

I was a suburban Chicago kid, so fruit came from the store. It's just as an adult that I've grown to appreciate fresh fruits. I don't know if I'd want the hassle of protecting food crops from birds, disease and insects, though. Tomatoes and peppers are enough!

Speaking of tomatoes, my folks' garden makes me SICK. Her tomatoes are as tall as me already. :S We just don't get enough sun. Maybe next year Mandi and I will split the cost of supplies and water, and have a community garden for us both.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

No Renee, we haven't heard a word from anyone. They said they were going to try to get the owner to claim the dog, but if they didn't, there really wasn't anything they could do.
I told hubby it wouldn't surprise me if someone had just dumped the dog out. that happens a lot around here.

where is the dog now ? with the owner ? or with you ? if its with the owner how could they not claim the dog ? i mean i know they can and act all stupid and everything and play dumb but really .
i hope Dusty is ok
redo on my jam was a bust its syrup but that is ok with me yummers on syrup

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

No, the sheriff took the dog to the humane society. So, dog is in "jail" until it's owner claims it. :( I put the dog in a crate when I caught it, I wasn't about to turn it over to the neighbors and have it kill what chickens I had left.

They're just lucky hubby wasn't home, or he would have shot it.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

You shot it! You just missed! When are you starting target practice? Might be a coyote, next!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

If you knew how much I loathe guns.... I always have. That was the first time I'd ever fired one in my life.

Wow Melissa, that must have been scary for you . I have never shot either a gun. Huskys do have a scary look to them also . IMHO.
just me thats all , not a debate . :)
I m glad your ok and you are able to get some more chickens.
I loathe guns too but .... ok i was going somewhere with this and just lost my train of thought LOL
but in the country its a matter of life or death.
canned my jam and it is syrup oh well
still got the seeded type and i have 14 cups in the freezer
next week is beans and beets LOL
tonight is piclked onions maybe if i have the energy.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm headed out to turn on the grill and hop in the pool but I just had to tell a funny regarding Siberian Huskies. We used to have two.

One day I was sitting out on the porch with my Huskies. Some little kids were walking home from school and started a conversation about my dogs. I heard one little girl say they were wolves. The other little girl said she once knew a lady that had wolves and she was a witch! ROTFLOL Of course I felt the need to call out and let them know they were not wolves and I was not a witch!

Bad you should have said to the girls " Come here my prettys " LOL ok ok i would have done it , yeah i know i m mean. :0
funny story Bad.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

You guys...or girls..I mean! Gave me a good chuckle!!
I have to say...I was raised with guns. Being the only girl with two brothers, and uncle, grandpa, and dad that hunted...guess there was no way around it. Besides...I thought I was as good as any boy...lol! And...my dad had a rifle range. He taught gun safety to 4-H'ers. So I grew up knowing how to shoot. Then...when I met Dave, he always wanted to target practice...so we did a lot of that....at my house...lol.!!
Well...today I went to Wallyworld, and walked. That won't be happening again until I have new knees. I should have gotten one of those electric carts when I went in....but thought I could tough it out. I was practically crawling when I got finished. Won't do that again! Of course I caught heck from Dave when he got home....Oh well..hind sight and all that!
Going to my friend's house tomorrow to see her flowers. She invited us for lunch, and I am making the dessert. It's a peach cake that I saw on the recipe forum. Looks really good! Talking about peaches last night got me fired up! It's made with bread dough! So while the dough is rising, I thought I would sit a while.
Hope you all had a good day?
Sue...those black raspberries...yummmyyyyyyyyyy!! Syrup...jam...whatever!!
Waving ~~~~~~~~~ to all!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I don't like guns but I think it was because my Dad was a cop. He also got shot in the head once. Nothing like wondering if he was going to come home every night. That is exactly what kept me from being in law enforcement. I really did toy with the idea but knew I wanted to have kids.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Garden # 3 is up



" I 'll get you my prettys and your little dog too !!!!! " *wink* LOL :)
ok ok i have had my fun.
Bad sorry to hear about your dad. I dated cops , hard enough to date them but to be married to one is a whole new ball game.
Well kids are in bed and guess what ?!!!!! Austin lost his FIRST TOOTH I m soooo excited . He has it under his pillow. I just hope i remember to put his money under it Sheeshs done that iwth the first one more than once LOL .
and get this Savannah has a tooth loose too and its the SAME ONE !!! bottom in front smack darn in the middle row . Go figure on that one
Defoe did you and your sis have things like that ? twin things :)
I hope we hear from Dusty soon, i m kinda worried . Hope she is just busy with work .
well its pretty darn hot. i don't run the ac when its night. I open up the window and hope for the wind !! sheesh but our down stairs neighors have theirs on all night and it echoes up in my BR i guess i have mentioned that before ? sorry LOL
good night sleep tight
watching dog whisperer

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Chele, I didn't know your dad was a cop, did I? My boss Kelli's dad is a retired cop. Interesting guy, but as prejudiced as they come. Unfortunately, she sounds a lot like him. I think she has a *little* more sense than him, though.

Ric, I am blown away by those gardens. What shots! I can imagine the work those folks put in every day to have their gardens look like that. Mine sure don't! LOL

Howie and I are watching a movie, Into the Wild, starring Emile Hirsch. The cinematography is amazing...and because it's about this college grad walking across America to Alaska, there is some incredible scenery. Howie's gone to Giant Eagle to pick us up a late dinner of fried chicken. LOL We'll watch the rest of the movie when he gets back.

Sue, I don't think the neighbor's AC would bother me too much, but I like white noise. As long as it's a steady noise like a fan or a motor, it's kind of soothing to me.

What's the Tooth Fairy going to bring Austin? Big milestone there -- save that tooth for a layout someday. LOL

Yes, I'm wondering about Dusty, too.

Thumbnail by gardenwife

I don't mind noise as long as its steady too but this is like a wur wur wur wuuuuuurrrrr wur wur wuuuuuurrrr wur so its like a big drum or a dryer gone bad. LOL
Ric nice looking gardens , gives me some ideas brewing in my little head
good night

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue, yes Connie and I shared many experiences like that. However, with measles, chickenpox, and other childhood diseases, She had a very light case, and I always had the worst case. When we had chickenpox, together, I might add, she had a total of 3 places, and I was so covered, you coulnd't put a pin down anywhere whithout touching a place!! Now go figure that one.

I have been MIA today. I had a follow up pap smear from my surgery in January, and I thought that this would be it, but the Dr said that if this one is negative, and one in January is negative, I can begin to rejoice. So I have another 6 months to make sure that everything is okay. Took DGD with me, (sorry guys turn you heads a minute) as she was initiated into womanhood while we were on vacation. I wasn't embarrased to have her with me in the exam room, because I thought it would help her when the time comes for her first visit. But the gyn wasn't very happy with that decision. But, I stood my ground, and she stayed with me. I asked her later, if she was embarrased, and she said, no, that now she wouldn't be afraid.

Okay guys, back to regular programming!! After the Dr appointment we did the grocery/errand thing, and even stopped at 2 yard sales on the way home, and got home before 12:00. She spent the rest of the day in the pool, and I folded some laundry and just read and watched tv. We had to have her in a town about 18 miles away to meet her mother at 5:30, so we grabbed a bite to eat, and hit a sale at J.C. Penneys. DH found some shirts, but I didn't buy a thing. I hate the fashions this year, they are not flattering at all. The loose tops, with the elastic under the bust and loose fitting. Does nothing for me at all.

Marcy, bite your pride, and use those darn carts. That is why they have them in the store. Sorry to fuss, but you don't want to have to give up shopping, and the only way you are going to be comfortable doing it, is by using one of the carts. Get you a Dale Ernhardt cap, and practice going varoom, varoom in a very loud voice!!

Bad, loved your story, but I agree with Sue, you should have said in a very high cackly voice said" come here my pretties". Would have scared the bejeebers out of them. I too have a very weird sense of humor.

Melissa, sounds like you have a plan for rebuilding the flock. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this hassle, but hope that this won't happen again.

Jazz, you will be glad to know that Gabby gave all the puppies a bath today, and a flea treatment. I don't think they do have fleas, but she saw one of them scratching, and decided that they need "the treatment"!! We use Adam's topical spray on all our dogs, and it has a very good smell, so no bad harmful chemical smell. We will be taking them for their first vet visit, to have them wormed, this week. Didn't know if you wanted the parvo shots or not, you can let me know.

Kimberly, sorry about your sinus headache, and the migraine, hope that is a thing of the past by the time you read this. I applaud your stamina to withstand the heat, and go without AC so long, call me a wimp, if you must, but I just have to get out and get the work done early, or do it later in the evening, I just can't stand the heat, or rather, the heat isn't what does me in, it is the rivers I sweat!!

Okay, I need to check e-mail, Ric, hope to get all the rest of the gardens viewed tonight too.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Interesting pic--what is that? A spider dragging a bee? A bee dragging a spider?

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