ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 116 - So many weeds, so little time!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/874146/

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Where's the clover eating bunny?

Wheres the door ? lol :) *wink*

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Been paying bills this morning, and have the puppies out to pasture! Sounds like cows, but they enjoy being in the yard.

Moving on with the laundry, and DH just came in with some green beans from the garden for me to break. Supper is shaping up!!

im paying bills too. Not fun got way to many.
but i will make it out sometime today lol
take care

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

I love old houses. I positively drool when I see pictures of yours.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Afternoon all...Balmy 75 * here and sunny...As has become habit, I am off again today, so I'm doing more yard work...Me and my chainsaw and loppers made a big dent in that cedar mess out front yesterday...I am not taking it out...just getting it up off the ground so it can be mowed and or planted under...

The Dairy Farmer we are getting the house from came yesterday, and today there is a painter here looking over the house and the outbuildings to get them painted...We are also getting an entire new roof on the house, rather than just on the back wing...He said he wants the place in order so that when everything is in place for us to buy, everything will be in good condition...Fine with me...The barns are in dire need of paint, and have been for years...but I kinda hate to see the whitewash on the house go to paint...I love the pink brick peeking through...Oh wellll...

You Know where that door is Miz Sue... LOL ....It's camoflaged!!

Guess I gotta go to town and get gas for the mower and whacker...
Today the bushes get moved for sure...I was just too beat yesterday...

Y'all have a great day !!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Shar...I love it a bunch too!!
You will have to come up and see the house in person!!

Good to see you here..I've missed ya!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Sue, sorry you're in the middle of the family stuff with your FIL. Delicate waters, I know.

Howie and I had a fit of purpose yesterday and the pegboard is now up in the shed. Those big hooks are perfect for the tools and everything else! We can actually see the floor in there now...I don't have a "before" picture, so just imagine ladders, a bike, various totes, etc. filling up that spot the middle and all kinds of shovels and rakes taking up the lefthand side of the shed.

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I feel like I'm in a store...LOL!

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I have pots nested and sorted in labeled bins, and all the trays occupy the wire shelves to the right. The bike is hanging by its front wheel on a hook.

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

The ladders are both stowed high, but where I can get them down if I need one.

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

My favorite part...Little shelves between the studs. Howie made the cleats from wooden stakes we bought last year and we had 1x4" scraps we made into shelves. That little cubby between the wall and door is perfect for my smaller bottles of stuff. And I can hang my sprayers and assorted stuff. That's the tool caddy I bought from the guy.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 12:18 PM

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Dusty. I was going to start a new thread today after getting a picture of my newest surprise to show everyone. GW, wish dh had his workshop that neat, it's in desperate need of reorganization!

Sue, I've heard building a how is one of the most stressful things in a marriage you can do. Hang in there :) Sept will be here before you know it.

Hi to everyone!

Found this last night after returning from the fair :) The doe is a first time momma but doing an excellent job with baby.

Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

It's a girl baby thank goodness, I'll keep her here and either castrate or sell my buck. Need a name for her. A flower name ;) Daddy is Bubba Bean and Momma is Gabby Gayle.

Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like and Iris to me... LOL Beautiful Baby Lana...Congrats! I think I would sell him since hes a proven winner, and get another, or trade for another...

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

One more shot of the baby girl.

Thumbnail by Wvdaisy
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Take a look at this buck... His beard is down below his chest...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi all, sorry I've been MIA, but it's just been crazy around here, and continues to be. Right now, I'm waiting on a sheriffs deputy to get here. I got home this morning, and made some phone calls, was talking to one of my friends and the dogs were just going berzerk. I brought them in, but they were still going nuts... so I got off the phone, and walked out to see what was going on. Apparently one of our neighbors has a female husky, she looks to be about 6 months old... and she killed at least 10 of our chickens. I can't get an accurate head count, because the ones that are alive are hiding, and just starting to come out, and obviously, there could be more dead ones that I"ve not seen yet.

I took the .22 out, took a shot, and of course missed because that was the first time I've ever fired a gun... went back out periodically to check and finally tweeter was standing in front of the barn, he must have gotten some licks in on her because though he's lost some feathers and is scared to death, he otherwise is OK. So, I locked him in the barn, and started calling for the dog. Youngest son spotted her, while I was behind the barn. She came around the barn, right up to me I put a leash on her, she licked me, and rolled over for a belly rub. She's a beautiful dog, but unfortunately, what happens to her is out of my hands. I put her in our large dog crate in the barn. I've since went out to check, and one of our black stars is now in the barn, and our white feather footed is back out of hiding.

This, on what up until that point has been one of the happiest days I've had in a very long time. :)

Back in April/May, I interviewed for a position at the school that I spend the most time at, the one I really wanted to work at--the one that someone nearly has to die for there to be a job opening at. Someone from the middle school decided last minute that they wanted to work at the high school, so that left me out... someone transferred from the elementary to the middle school, and I have really didn't want to work at the elementary level, or at the Middle school for that matter. I was down about it, but, that is just the way it works in schools, so I've had a few interviews, and a couple have been very promising, but told me they wouldn't be making a decision until this week some time, so I wasn't stressing about them too much.

Thursday, the Principal at the HS called and asked me how the job hunt was going... I told him about the last two interviews I've had, and he asked if I would come in and talk to the District's director of Special Education on Friday morning. I did, met with her, him, and one of the assistant principals. He called me this morning to offer me the original position I wanted back in the spring. :) So, I'm "officially" an employed teacher, AT the school I wanted to be at, and in the grades (10-12) that I wanted to be at, working with a group of people I already know, have worked with, and respect tremendously.

So, in between the chicken massacre, I've been calling the schools that I interviewed at last week and withdrawing interest. The one asked me if I was sure, I told her I was, and she said she was sorry to hear it, but thanks for letting her know. My worst fear was winding up having to decide between different schools, and then when a job did come open at now "my" school, leaving where I was. Where ever I went, I wanted to stay, but knew I'd always be wishing I was at "my" school, until I actually got there.... so now I'm there, and I don't have to worry about it! :::)))

I am so excited, have so much to prepare for, and so much to do here it's not even funny! Right now I'm cooking hamburger for lasagna for son's wrestling team... they're in camp, and the parents provide all the meals. Last week I got the meal schedule organized... and put myself down for tonight not knowing all the excitement I'd have going on, or that youngest son would have a baseball game tonight... so a friend is taking him to the game, I dropping off food at the school, and either going to the game or coming back here to look for chickens... but, I wanted to stop in and share my news with you guys.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yippee!!! (on the job.)

:( on the chickens...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I was sooooo delighted at your news Melissa....but soooo sorry about the birds...
Sorry to say, once a chicken killer, always a chicken killer...That dog will need to be fenced in when it's outside...I am adamantly opposed to chaining dogs and have been all my life...Claim for damages to them for the birds...$10plus x how many each at least, if they were laying...You are out the birds, and the eggs so figure it out and press charges for sure...

With these darn barn cats living on my porch, any hope of having chickens until I can afford fencing with a roof attached to the brooder house is out of the question, and I had hoped to order a few chicks at the sale price for next month...Guess that is on hold till next summer now, so I feel for you...no meat and no eggs for the both of us...

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

So happy for you, Melissa! Now if we can just get Dawn and Laura and KYW all settled in...

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

:o( Melissa....

^_^ Melissa!!!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Great news on the job Melissa, so sorry about the chickens. I agree, that dog needs to be fenced in, as he will just be back to do it all over again.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, Melissa! I am thrilled for you! Congratulations on getting that job, especially at the school and with the grades you wanted! Boy, between this and the chickens, you'll never forget this date.

I'm working on my scrapbooking area right now. A few weeks back, I got two sets of those wire mesh storage shelves from my next door neighbor's yard sale. They assemble to make cubbies a little larger than 12" square, so all of my paper holders and totes fit perfectly in them. I put backs in twelve of the cubes for stability, but the two up top are without back walls.

Here's a picture taken with the cameraphone. I'd better get back at it if I expect to clear a space on my desk and get started on my design team layout -- due tomorrow. LOL At least I don't work until Thursday this week!

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Wowee -- I just found out I won an iPod and a t-shirt from the John Tesh radio show. Woot! They had a contest on their website yesterday and I entered it last night on a lark. http://tesh.com

* The front reads: "the smartest person in the room"; the back reads : "the john tesh radio show Music & Intelligence for your Life".

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

How cool, Kimberly! I won tickets to a concert of his a long time ago--it was a small gathering, so it was really nice.
Melissa, that's awful about the poor chickens--is this the first time their dog has gotten onto your property? People shouldn't have dogs if they can't fence them in properly. I hope they don't give you any trouble with paying for your loss.
Congrats on the job, however!

Melissa i am so happy for you on the job :) YEAH GO GIRL GO GIRL GO GIRL
Sorry on the chickens, I will say that dog is lucky it wasn't on my farm grrrr. But that is farm life . Of course the dog is luckier it wasn't on my property due to the fact i have never shot a gun either LOL . One of these days i m going to have to learn. :) Hope it all goes well
I know TamaraFaye is fighting with neighbors on this same subject with her chickens and it has been a real PITA for her.
GW wow on the garage and all your neat shelves and peg boards . It looks wonderful !!! oh and your scrapping area is very nice . Love it !
Went to farm today to check on things and well ..... house is still there, tree's still standing , GH still standing, garden is ok . But ...... the culvert in the woods with our little creek ....... overflowing river !!!! the water was so high it went over it and flushed alot of the gravel out. Still can drive over it but my rain barrel that was half full is now on the other side !!!!! of the driveway !!!!!YIKES. Man wish i got pics of that .
got kids new shoes today too

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Ok I finally took the time to read the posts I missed.

Congratulations Chele from Auntie Toni and Cousin Oprah
Congratulations Melissa, here's an apple from me and Oprah for the new teach

Hugs kisses prayers good thoughts and good karma to everybody else who needs it.

Sue, Marcy how are you feeling?

I hope Edna's garden is coming along.

I put my adirondac chair in the shade and am loving it.

Cookie how many pups do you have left and are you keeping them all or looking for adoptive homes...hint, hint....

Hope I covered just about everything I have been missing out on.

((((((((((((((((Hey/hugs to all I missed)))))))))))))


Kimberly you are now my official lottery ticket buyer with your good luck streak. Congrats.

I know it's cliche' but can I suggest the name Petunia for the piglet? She looks like a Petunia as cute as one.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone.
Hey Lana...cute baby goat!! I have always loved goats. Dave won't let me have any though. He says they 'eat' barns!! LOL!
Kimberley, congrats on the win!!
Melissa, congrats to you as well on the job! Sorry about the chickens. Dusty and Bonnie are right though. Once they get a taste for it, they will always go back....just like they do sheep.
Sue...sorry about all the water up there. Hope you get things straightened around.
Renee' and Toni....good to see you both.
Well..I am hangin' in there. Went to Wally today and got braces to wear on my knees. Look like I am getting ready to play some kind of sports! But so far, they seem to be helping.
Got the oil changed in my jeep while I was there too. Came home to find a big sack of zuchinni and yellow squash on the bench at my back door. Geez!! My SIL grew them...but she brings them all to us!!! And then she goes out to eat!! It's not that I am ungrateful, but we can only eat so many...ya know??? But tonight, I sliced zuchinni, yellow squash, quartered up some red potatoes, about 1/2 an onion, and put a half stick of butter cut up with it...in one of those foil bags...and put it on the grill. Oh...I also added some seasonings...seasoned salt, garlic pepper, italian seasoning. Threw it on the grill...and wow..was that ever good! Also put a couple of steak burgers on. Good eating!!
Bonnie...those BLT's sounded really good..as did the green beans!! Hope you enjoyed them.
Ok.....I need to head back outside for a bit, and see if I can get something done. Seems we ran around most of the day.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oooh, I wish we were closer, Marcy. I love zucchini! We stew them with tomatoes and onions, plus Italian seasonings. Mmmmm BLT sounds good, too.

I made one-pot bean and rice dish for supper, made in the microwave. If you don't microwave your rice, you can make it this way on the stovetop by following normal brown rice directions. It turned out pretty tasty!

The rice:

In a large glass bowl* combine the following and give them a stir:

2 cups brown rice, dry
2 1/2 cups water
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 packet taco seasoning

Cook 10 minutes on high and 20 minutes on 50%. My microwave oven has a cook:rice setting and I just let it do its thing. It won't hurt to let the rice sit in the oven and absorb extra liquid.

Stir the finished rice and add the following:

2 cans kidney beans, drained
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can diced tomatoes with green chilis
1 tbsp dried cilantro leaves (if using fresh you won't need as much)
10-12 ounces cooked chicken, sliced or cubed (I used leftover grilled chicken)

That's it! Lots of tomato goodness, lots of lean protein, plus a little kick.

* I use a huge, round glass Pyrex bowl with a fitted lid. I don't have the measurement(s) handy but will update this later.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

On the fly from editing pictures and filling hummer feeders....

Here's Garden # 1 from tour....



well i m watching Nashville Star. I love this show. The two girls got kicked out , I m voting for Melissa she really is good. I hope she wins. There is one guy who i just can't see why he is still on the show, he sucks !!!
Well kids are asleep. looks like i have to drag out my mattress in the LR again uhg.
Hey Toni girl !!! Glad things are going well for you. Give that little O kisses from me. Savannah meet Dustys dogs and had a ball playing with them LOL no pun intended LOL HA.
have a good night everyone

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello everybody, I have had a very domestic day today, did laundry, cooked, and paid bills. Did have to run a couple of errands, tomorrow is DS's birthday, and his DD hadn't gotten him a card, so we flew out to do that. Nobody is getting out of this house in the morning till it is all cleaned up!! Locking the doors, and I will have the key!!

Toni, it is me not Cookie that has the puppies. We have 3 that do not have homes, but I am hopeful that we can find homes for them. I don't need anymore!! I moved them out to the yard early this morning, and left them out all day. They alternately sleep, play, and eat. I put mama out with them, on a chain (she is satisfied) because if she is near, they don't wander off far. Just like babysitting, work awhile, go check on the puppies. Work some more, and check again.

Sue, I am sorry that you are having water problems at the farm, and that you are in the discussion of how on track the carpenters are. I wouldn't say too much, the men can get slower, instead of faster at the job.

Marcy, I have some of the knee braces, and yes they do look pretty ugly, but they do help.

Lana cute little baby you got there. I am voting for Sweet Pea, for the name. I agree with Marcy's DH, they can be ornery, but hopefully, this one will be just a beautiful little girl.

Kimberly, yikes way to go on winning the contest. I have never won anything in my life, and I enter everything that I can. Your stars must be aligned just right. Your scrapbooking area looks very organized. You won't see me posting any pictures of my desk!!

Ric, gonna go check out your pics!!

~~~ to any I didn't mention by name.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

My craft area won't stay organized for long, and I won't even show you what the opposite side of the room looks like. THAT part is impassable!

The iPod they're sending is a Shuffle 2nd generation, the wee little ones with no screens. I don't know if it will be 1gb or 2gb. They're really just a novelty, but hey, I like novelties -- especially when they're free. LOL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Gonna post a couple of pictures fior you, first the whole gang.

Thumbnail by defoecat
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

These 3 little cuties don't have forever homes yet, any volunteers? They are all males, and temporary names are Spot, Tyler and Bouncer.

Thumbnail by defoecat
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the good wishes all, I'm "giddy" almost. In my life I normally don't get exactly what I want... so this is major new territory for me, and a completely different feeling... I like it. LOL

We went out after hubby got home and we lost 12 chickens and have 3 MIA right now. We lost no roosters, all hens of course.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

GW, way to go with all your organizing! But how do find time to do it all?

Melissa, YIPPEE on the job! So sorry to hear about your chickens. It's heartbreaking when that happens.

Bonnie, I still want to come visit, but it'll be 3 or 4 more weeks before I can get up there again.

Sue, I agree with Bonnie...probably shouldn't push the guys cuz they could drag it out much longer. OTOH, you might try a little back-patting for a doing such a great job, and maybe a plate of cookies once in awhile.

Lana, love your new addition. Sure wish I still had my goats.

Ric, love the pictures!

Toni, nothing good cooking today? You had my mouth watering awhile back when you were sharing what you were fixing for your friend!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I forgot, the deputy took pictures of the chickens, and took the dog. They are going to try to get the neighbor to claim the dog, then they will be charged, and will have to pay restitution.
If the neighbor won't claim the dog, then there is probably nothing we can do, as the dog was not tagged or collared. :(

I have no idea what will happen to the dog.

Thanks Robin. :)

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