Can I cut back the fans?

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I was wondering if/when I could cut back the leaf fans of my iris? I've never done this but have seen people do it. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Monroe City, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi SusieR~

Actually, it's better for your Iris if you do not cut back the leaf fans. During the growing season, healthy green leaves should be left undisturbed, since they absorb nutrients and other things to help substain the rhizomes until the next blooming period. Leaves that are diseased (will have spots) or brown leaves should be removed.

In the late fall or early winter, trim off old dying leaves and cut all remaining leaves to about 6 inches. I usually do this around Halloween here in Missouri.

Hope this helps you out.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I used to cut mine back since that's what I had seen many people do in the past. I had a rough summer a few years ago (small potatoes: neighbor breaking off every single bloom from all my plants and 3 consecutive break-ins) and let the garden go completely neglected all fall and winter. The iris that spring looked great. They had shed some of their older foliage which I cleaned up in the spring and didn't have to recover from being cut back. I have never cut them back again.

The only reason I think I would cut them back would be if I were digging and shipping iris.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks for your help! Sorry about your bad summer but at least something good came from it with the iris! :) I had to cut a few back because they were hanging over the sidewalk and blocking out a groundcover I planted. I waited until I heard back before I really cut anything back. Thanks for all of your expertise! :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Wish my advice was actual expertise and not just dumb luck:LOL:

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