out with the old...

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Mornin' folks....have finally rid my entire fence line of "Thunbergia grandiflora" or foot-a-day as it's locally referred....have some acalypha wilksiennas' in place and 2 different brugmansias....While visiting a neighbor, I saw a fragile vine growing by the bamboo gazebo and it has an incredible flower on it....neither one of us have a clue on what it's called or anything about it other than it grows fast and is not as invasive as thunbergia....

I brought home a small plant that my friend has rooted and planted it right next to the fence....2 images .....one here one to follow...

anybody know what she is?

thanks in advance,

Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

second image....

Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Found it through another forum....thanks ...it is:

"Passiflora 'Incense' (P. incarnata x P. cincinnata)"


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha John,

You are going to love the passiflora (passionfruit vine), and it's going to get BIG in your climate! It's really easy to cut back though. We have the passiflora that give us "Lilikoi" fruit (named after the first place it was planted in 1880 on Maui) which we like - I think the one we have is "edulis", or something like that. Will your vine give edible fruit?

I also have a "Lady Margaret" passion vine which I think is very pretty. I will post a picture of the flowers if we get any this morning after the sun comes up!

How have you been? Doing any diving lately? Nice to "see" you!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I have the same passeflora, John. Jen, I tried the Lady Margaret (now isn't that appropriate) but it never bloomed...just vine and then didn't come back after the winter.
This one does come back from the root.

Nice to see you John.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, aren't the differences interesting? I am trying to get my thunbergia grandiflora to climb my fence and send those pretty blue flowers all along the length, and here you pull your's out cuz it grows too much! Your passionflower is beautiful, and so very appropriate for you...a very passionate person. Good luck with it!


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks friends...good to see y'all agin 2....divin and workin.....had some company and the license plate collection is growing like weeds too....got some cool stuff....Shari, the friend that visited last week has every Marshall Islands plate ever issued and NO spares...what a bummer....he has a contact there so I keep my hopes up....

The thunbergia vine will be beautiful if it catches....don't take offense if the power company uses bad language when they come to service the light pole or surrounding wire work if it does....the foot a day growing here took over my Oleander and Ixoras...the Ole's over 20 feet tall....when i pulled the root systems out, it took my 4 wheel drive and heavy chains to do it....the roots went all the way across the yard and out to the street!!! Good luck with it!!!

Nice to see you guys again...hope this finds everyone safe and sane...


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I just planted the same passi that you have now John. Got it off the freebie pile at work. Now gotta go see how hardy it is so I know whether to mulch or bring in.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Safe, but not too sure about the sane bit, John! LOL about your monster plant, my neighbors have one that runs the whole length of their half acre and then up a very large monkey pod tree at the end of their property! Shari has to grow everything in pots on her island, so I don't think it will be such an uncontrolable beast!

More dive pictures coming our way??

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hi guys! Yes...more dive pix soon come .....we are diving wednesday and thursday nights now, as well as the weekend stuff...batteries charging now so i will be ready for wed. night...will try to find something fun and different....in the process of building a rope ladder to access a site that has no entry/exit so to speak...a bit of a kick but the site is always good by boat....should make for an interesting shore dive....recon tomorrow night to set the ladder rung height....more later....asta la pasta mi amigas!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Love the passie, John, can't wait for more diving pictures!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks Jeanne....supposed to be diving tonight but watching the newest, 95L....should go West into Central America but with tropical weather, one never knows....94L hasn't made up her mind yet on what to become if anything....have some preparedness chores to tackle tonight but still may get in the water....need to go divin...surely helps with the diet/lifestyle change we've started....started 2 June....


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Good for you, John. Sure want you and Katie to live to a ripe old age and in good shape at that. It is said it takes only 3 weeks to make a habit. You are way past that now.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Which diet / lifestyle change did you switch to John? Best wishes to you and Katie in all of your endeavors!


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

We are following the South Beach diet...really works if you stick with it...the hardest part about it is the food preparation....good variety in the menus though and Katie is awesome with the meals....


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Good for you! It's supposed to be a good one from what I hear! Good luck!

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