Questions about Iris

Worcester, MA

I have had reblooming iris for 3-4 years. They are beautiful w/ first bloom and grow and grow but so far I've only had one rebloom. Does anyone have suggestions to get the others to have a 2nd show?
Any help would be appreciated.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

My re-bloomers are not reliable. Some years I get them, some not. We'll see if Polly might have a better answer. May be affected by the late season temps.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Maureen,

Be sure they're rebloomers for your area. A lot of the registered rebloomers only rebloom in warmer zones.

If it is registered as a rebloomer for your area, treat it differently than your other irises, water and fertilize it throughout the summer.

If you know the names of them you might want to ask on the iris forum. They can tell you if they are likely to rebloom in your area. Unfortunately for us, a lot of the rebloomers only rebloom in zones 8 or 9.

Winterberry Gardens puts out a catalogue that lists the zones and reliability for rebloomers. You have to request a paper catalogue, but it is wonderfully informative.

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