Green June Beetles

El Cerrito, CA

We are really seeking live Green June Beetles to investigate their behaviors for research.
If some of you find this beetle, please reply this message.
Thank you for your help!

Best wishes

Thumbnail by reosthrtk
El Cerrito, CA

Let me say this additionally:
I'm afraid these beetles are attacking your gardens.
I can visit you, catch and remove the beetles at your garden, if you allow it.
Or we can buy the beetles from you.

Thank you.

North Hills, CA

I'm getting ready to repot a 20 gal. container.
I repotted one a month ago that had 60 grubs in it before I stopped counting.
I live in the valley-North Hills,Van Nuys area.
You can have all the grubs you want.Only time I see beetles is when they are dead.
Not often do I see them alive but there are a lot of them in my pots.I see the finger sized potholes they leave when they either hatch or lay the eggs.
I read the grubs come up at night to feed on organic matter but I've looked and only seen a couple hatching one time at night.
I've seen several dead ones around my pots in the last couple weeks.
I also see round yellow balls a little bigger than bb's in my pots.Some have what looks like embryo half formed grubs in them if I break them open.Most of the time they are just shells and allready hatched.
I work nights so I don't see many critters that hang out during the day.
Every time a plant acts like something is wrong for no reason I find grubs eating the roots.
Come and get them or wait until I have repotted.I could save them for you.I have 3 or so pots (15+20 gal.) with just soil in them that I'm sure are breeding grubs too.
I only do repotting one at a time unless I have help-hint hint.LOL
Your an hour + or so drive away depending on traffic.
I don't know how long they would stay alive in a snap lid container full of compost(They eat organic matter I've read).
If you want to talk to me I could give you a phone # for an evening call.PM me.
Mine should be nice and healthy,I haven't tried to kill them yet.(nematodes or whatever-I don't use poison)
I think they leave roots somewhat alone if the soil is damp and full of compost or whatever.They seem to eat my plants later in the season once the compost has been depleated by the plant or they ate all that was in the grubs living area.I don't think they move around much like earthworms do or I'd see cave ins where their tunnels were when I water.
All my plants are in containers,3-20 gal.
All but 3 containers are hot peppers.
I bet the Blueberry container(peat moss and Azaila mix) is full of grubs but thats off limits.2nd year,1st berries.Not sure I want it messed with.
The grubs seem to like the soils with a lot of peat better.

This message was edited Jul 12, 2008 10:11 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

More like a 6 hr drive (if there's no traffic). El Cerrito is up here near San Francisco/Oakland.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I thought smokemaster's estimate of an hour plus was optimistic, but maybe... There is an El Cerrito near Riverside, CA, too.

I'm curious to know more about the research on these beetles

El Cerrito, CA

Thank you for many help and curiosities. I'm very glad to hear from you so quickly. I wasted time of over 1 month to seek Green June Beetles...... I should have noticed thsi forum long before!

We are investigating how Green June Beetle flies because they are good fliers.
This goodness at flight makes it easy for the beetles to attack your gardens.

My El Cerrito is the one between Richmond and Berkeley.

We are seeking adults of the beetles.
If you have more info., please let me know!

Thank you again!

North Hills, CA

I thaught it was the El Cerrito near here.
Sing along with the car commercials......
I don't have a beer(with my dinner) until I get OFF of work -7 AM. LOL

Robesonia, PA

Why don't you make a trip to PA. I have loads of them flying around my garden as we speak. I live next to a corn field and see them flying aound the stalks. I've already dropped about 15 of them in soapy water during the last week. Those are ones that I've found on my plants. They might be good flyers but they aren't accurate flyers. When I'm out handpicking beetles they fly right into me when I'm walking or just standing still.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I've had ons of beattles in my yard lately. But they are the brown type and the brown/white stripped type. A real nuisance!

El Cerrito, CA

If you can send me Green June Beetle, please email me.
I can pay for everything including Green June Beetle at $5 each, shipping cos, and so on.
I can"t wait!! :)


Best regards,

Thumbnail by reosthrtk
Landisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Yes this Pa yard is also full of them......and I do mean many do you want??????

El Cerrito, CA

Dear bluepoppy:

Thank you for your message.
I need 100 and more. But, say..., as a first time, could you please collect 20 or 30 of Green June Beetle? Please note I need alive ones. So, first please try to ship small number of beetles (20 or 30) to me. If it works, let me order more and more.

By the way, could you let me know how large and which color the beetles in the yard are? If you can take some photos of the beetles with a ruler, it's great! There are some similar species.

For reply, please either email me or post a message on this thread.

I will inform you how to ship your beetles to me.
I'm looking forward to hearing you.

Sincerely thank you again,

Thumbnail by reosthrtk
El Cerrito, CA

Dear everyone:

Thank you very much for helping me.
As I've replied some of you, what I'm concerned the most is if the beetle you kindly inform me is different from what I am actually seeking (Green June Beetle). As you might know, there are similar species in USA. For example, called Japanese Beetle (less than 1 cm) is simillar form and color but it's much smaller than Green June Beetle (2 - 4 cm). See the attached image: Right bug is Japanese Beetle, but Left one is Green June Beetle. What I want is the left one.

Let me say again, what I actually want is

-Name: Green June Beetle, or Cotinis
-Size: 2 - 4 cm
-Color: Green

If you could show some photos of the beetle around you (hopefully, together with a ruler), it would be very helpful.

I'm reallly looking forward to hearing from you!!
Please sell me as soon as possible.


Thumbnail by reosthrtk
El Cerrito, CA

Dear All

I'm writing this message for announcing we don't need Green June Beetle anymore.
Thanks to advices from some of you, we've got many beetles and it's enough - of course they were delivered using the permission from USDA. If there are still some guys who are collecting beetles, please Dmail me within this week.

Thank you for your advice and help.

Best regards,

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Regarding cotinis mutabilis ( green june beetles) there seems to be a lot of confusion. Some websites lump them with japanese beetles and claim that milky spore or bacillas will control them, and others say the opposite. If anyone knows of a way to control them (preferably without killing the benificials or cats) please tell me!

North Hills, CA

I use nematodes but if you are growing in containers you have to put them in a couple times a year.
Even my big 20 gal. containers get too hot during summer here in So. Cal.
Heat kills them.I forget what temp. they say is too hot.
Nematodes kill other stuff like cutworms,maggots,Termites etc. depending on what ones you use.
I use 2 kinds, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema feltioe , they go after Fungus gnats and grubs among other things.You can buy them together or separately.
In the ground they are good for several years I've read and heard people say for grubs in the lawn.
From experiance I've seen they are good for killing Termites.
I used to have migrations of them several times a year.After putting a couple batches of one of the nematodes around I haven't seen a termite in a couple years.
I used to see a lot of their nymphs (whatever you call them) around especially under or in the 2x4's I used to keep my pots off the ground.Haven't seen one since I've used nematodes.
I get mine from Tip Top Bio Control at the local nursery up the street (Green Arrow/Thumb Nursery).
I think they were about $15.00 - $20.00 a pack.I think one was less than the other.
Cheeper than most poisons in the long run and only kills what it is supposed to.
Most can survive even after the stuff t kills is gone by eating other stuff until more grubs show up.
I think they are supposed to last about 5 years in the ground and if conditions are right some start to spread around.
Between all the bugs I baught last year and the nematodes I haven't had any bad bug problems this year but it did take a couple years to get the bennificials established.
Now I have a resident population of Praying Mantis,Nematodes,Green Lacewings and parracitic wasps.
Pretty cool.
I've got to find something for Crickets and grasshoppers then I'm set up.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks for the info. I was just at Greenthumb 2 days ago for potting soil, wish I had asked a couple of days earlier. I don't have any cricket problems but the grasshoppers have been way to plentiful these last two years! I haven't seen any Praying Mantis or Lacewings this year, but there are some parasitic wasps, and the hummingbirds are helping with the Giant Whitefly and mosquitoes while the Oppossums control the snails and slugs.

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