Stunted Plants, is it vog?

Kealakekua, HI

(yet another question from me, sorry). I live in Kainaliu at about 2800'. My plants that I started from seed in March/April seem really stunted. I am wondering if that is from the vog or the fact its been really wet this wet season and its a lack or sun, or combination of both. I put out some heirloom tomtato plants and the leaves turned brownish on the tips and they never grew. My cabbage, kale and mustard greens have done fine, as have my beans and other greens. Some of the other tomato varieties planted at the same time as the heirloom are doing okay (late blight has been an issue).

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

What is vog- volcano smog? If you can post a picture of the overall tomato and leaves I can probably help you figure it out.

Kealakekua, HI

Thanks the vog is the volcanic haze. I yanked the plants out already and am starting some more from seed.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

We don't get the vog too often but we had a period of vog a couple of months ago for three days followed a few days later by another three days, and I noticed that some of the plants (brugs, in particular) look almost as if they had been burnt. All the affected leaves fell off, and have since been replaced by new ones - Oh! I wonder now about the Abiu?

Big write up in the Maui News today about the farmers on the BI who have lost all their plants in their nurseries due to the vog, it's very sad and looks as if there is no end in sight. The Protea especially seem to be very badly hit. One rose farm estimated he had lost $1000,000 in sales to date, and he has only earned $30.00 in the past three weeks. He has had to lay off half of his workers. They are all requesting emergency loans to try to keep going...

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

One thing about all of Hawaiian nursery anything- it is all state subsidized and all eligible under the farm bill. Even foliage production. That is not the case in the rest of the country, but seems it is justified. I heard our competition in California pays a splash in the bucket for crop insurance- try hundreds of thousands a year for some nurseries in Florida. I guess CA never gets Typhoons or wind or cold damage- the only threat is fire.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Fire, earthquakes, mudslides, and now lack of sales due to the salmonella scare. CA gets it all!

We have had 2 solid days of vog from Hawaii. Not something we are used to AT ALL! Hard to breath outside, and all the plants are wilty and sad...not used to the excess sulphur in the air I guess. I can't even imagine what it would be like with days, weeks, of this! My heart goes out to the nurseries in Hawaii, as well as everyone else just trying to breath! Even paradise has it's problems.


Kealakekua, HI

Wow Shari. I didnt think you would get the vog there. It can be pretty miserable dealing with the vog. My side of the island really gets it bad. My protea are now showing the signs of damage. Luckily the coffee doesnt seem affected. We are monitoring the ph levels at the coffee farm I work at.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Gee Shari, that vog travelled a long way to reach you - nasty isn't it? We don't get it too often because of the trade winds, but when we do I have to stay inside as it really hits me hard.

Mlassi, I am so sorry that you get it so bad and that your plants are now showing the effects. I hear that the orchids are very senstitive too...

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ended up with 3 days of vog. Very unusual...meteorologists said it was just the right combinations of unusual wind patterns. Storm last night cleaned the air, but knocked down palm fronds and some trees. I got so lucky! Had 3 8 ft. fronds in my garden - that completely missed all my plants! Couldn't believe my luck...Mother must love me - ha ha.
Jen, after just 3 days, I can believe that the vog would get to chest still feels tight and congested! I feel so bad for Mlassi and Carol and Dave and all the others that have to put up with that for so long.

Have Candy and Braveheart sent Carol some hugs? I feel so bad for her.

Yokwe all,

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear that you are all suffering the effects of VOG. We went to Costco today and passed an area in our town where we are super high and can usually see Downtown Dallas. It was totally obliterated. Of course, no one ever opens a car window nor a window on their homes. Costs a bundle for A/C but it is necessary. Sorry for Sherrie and Jen. Half of my family has asthma so I am familiar with the gasping for breath. Pray it doesn't last too long.

Anyone hear from Carol lately?

Kealakekua, HI

I think for me, the worst affect from the vog is the itchy eyes. It makes it really hard to read. My youngest daughter (6) seems to be affected the most. She has had more ear infections and sinus issues for the past few months than she had for years. The girls got to spend the summer in Hilo and are back home again complaining about the vog. Hilo only had a day or two of it from what my motherinlaw said.
BHM, I dont grow orchids but I will check the wild ones and see if they are affected. A few other folks (from church) have complained about their plants too.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Yes Shari, we have all sent our love to Carol.

For all of you that don't know, Carol lost her beloved dog Louise last week, she had been hit by a car and Carol found her beside the road. Carol is, of course, heartbroken over the loss, and I know we all send her our love...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

OH MY GOD!!!! I didn't know. God bless her heart. Having three dogs myself,I fully understand. Sooo sorry. Feel like crying and crying and crying. Dear God, what more can she endure??????

Sooo sorry, sooo sorry.

God bless.....


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I'm sure the toughest part will be the routines they had established. Thelma and Louise would walk the grounds with Bob and Carol everyday (probably twice a day!) Those walks just won't be the same without Louise. Bless her heart - Carol calls this a "rough patch"... That girl's got more "keepin on" than any twelve Marines! Hope she knows she is collecting a lot of love from all of us.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

When we visited the Big Island and they were showing us their home, the dogs were always nearby. Two big lovable girls! Thinking of you Carol and Bob.

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