Need ADVICE ASAP Lighting Strike

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, no, don't start another bucket thread!!! ok, i just posted an update there regarding wher to hang, etc... not funny, i have a bucket list LOL

i dont' see how the eggs oculd tast any different, have had no complaints. granted this is NOT the main source of feed for my chickens, just a protein supplement.

how did you think flies multiplied?

Foley, MO

Electric screwdriver, LMAO!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea there is one or so i think so................... where is that electric screw driver, i know its around here somewhere

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Oh my gosh Tia, if you pull the electric screwdriver one you HAVE to tell us all what your DH's reaction is!! (laughing very hard at it all)

ok, the bucket.......I hadn't gotten as far as thinking about what the eggs would taste like....I figured the little white wigglers would be ground up like an earthworm would. I had thought of this one though......I would think that if this is something that someone is doing and is selling the eggs, wouldn't it be the best idea to not let your egg customers 'in' on what you are doing for extra protein? I really don't look at it as 'tricking' anyone, but with this idea being hard for those of us that raise chickens kind of hard to 'swallow' (ewww).....don't you think it would be a good way to lose A LOT of egg sales?
My egg customers don't really wonder around our place, they just usually stop and get eggs, chat for a minute and go........but I'm wondering about a good explanation in case someone would be asking about the hanging bucket and it's purpose?


Lodi, United States

You can say it is the carcass of some predator and the smell is meant to ward off other of that species!

Foley, MO

I wouldn't worry about that. Chickens eat ALL sorts of things in which they obtain protein. I don't see how the maggots would be any different. The only concern would be disease from some infected wild creature, because I am guessing that maggots could transfer bacterium to the chickens from the source. Maybe refraining from wild creatures and only using your scraps and such.

londonderry, Australia

what about meal worms would they be ok

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

of course they would.


Lodi, United States

My chicks love me when I give them meal worms--didn't someone here say they had managed to raise them?

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I was told how to do that, but have forgotten it. We used to raise them for fishing bait.


(it was by accident it happened, but then we were told how to do it too)

londonderry, Australia

didnt tamara say that i forget

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

what didn't i say? i lost it...

Christy, are you going to give them a list of all the ingredients int he layer crumbles or chick starter? do YOU even know the sources of the animal proteins in it??? i guaranTEE you it is more disgusting than some fly maggots!!!

if someone asked, i would tell them it is a fly trap! DUH!!!

a very few folks want their hens vegetarian fed. and for that they have to be kept housed in buildings without access to free range. wouldn't want them to eat a bug EEWWWWW!!!!!

yes, and NEVER use a creature that is diseased... just in case...

and anytime you THINK your bucket is done, just wait and give the flies a few extra days, cuase it AIN'T...


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

eeeww! I just caught up on this thread! lol!

okay, I LOVE the electric screwdriver method :oD THATS similar to how I got DH to build my chicken coop :o)
I grabbed the hammer and asked where the screws are! (learned that one on DG BTW!) and then I mentioned using his table saw thingamajiggy and his electric grinder thingy and he jumped right up and ......

Well, he let me put a few screws in while HE built it! :o)

the pen will get done next week :o) tee hee !!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

excellent! and your plans for supplemental protein sources???

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

gulp... umm.... err... I live in the city?!

Lodi, United States

Edited out for lapse in judgement:0)

Okay, stop me--I've gone way past the boundries of good taste--I'll just go to bed now....

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 3:27 AM

londonderry, Australia

good night catscan lol

Lodi, United States

Good night, josh:0)

londonderry, Australia


Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

You guys.. LMBO.. I am raising the mealworms.. and trust me much nicer than your bucket.. my worms are living on top of my fridge.. haha, my guests don't even know they are there.. If you want I will do a thread with pictures..

londonderry, Australia

lol if they annoy you just say slily"would you get somthing out of the frige for me"

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

more fun to ask them to get me a sprinkling of the special spice in the shoebox on top of the fridge. lol

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes I would like to know frans.

Lodi, United States

Yes, frans, please!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

please do Fran, need to convice DH. he doesn't want them in the kitchen... he is the cook...

londonderry, Australia

LOL u could cook tamara or is it not your thing i dont mind it and my wife aint complaining

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Frans, that would be a good idea to post a new thread for raising mealworms. Like I said, I used to know how to do it, but have forgotten. It's a disease called CRS. And you can take that any way you want to. LOL.


londonderry, Australia

yeh a meal worm thread would be good

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

ooh! i second the meal worm thread... I'm sure I can rope my son into raising some mealworms for me :o)

londonderry, Australia

lol slave labourer

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

talkin to ME lucky? i am the lucky one, he has been cooking since his very first job at the Swiss Pot, gourmet style. tonight we had mahi mahi fillet, grilled outdoors, with a peach seasoning, hushpupies, fried taters;[deep], and popcorn shrimp. we needed an easy meal night. but tomorrow for lunch we will finish off leftover chickeen with some leftover spaghetti sauce. usually i handle lunch, just make things from his leftovers.

we took a vote before we got married, a family vote that included the kiddos, and everyone agreed they preferred his cooking. he just can't ALWAYS do it... i fhe works too much with his hands during hte day, then chopping veggies up at night ain't gonna happen. that is when we get out the easy stuff...

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol TF your Dh sounds just like mine :o0

I haven't cooked in 3 yrs (since we met) and I think I've forgotten how! not only that, but no one ever wants me to cook! I'm not/wasn't a bad cook, just not a gormet cook. DH loves to cook and he's good at it. I'm good at ... ummmm ... er.... well, I can do laundry.... and list projects! I'm great at making project lists! lol!

londonderry, Australia

wats shrimp

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, man, gourmet cooking just SOOOO suits my taste buds! he wnated to teach me, then realized as long as i have threekiddos i get interrupted too much. so sometimes i get to help, sometimes i am busy with other chores [i';m goo da t laundry too!], and sometimes i just get to clean up after him, which, for someone who has cooked in a restaurant, he isn't too messy MOSTLY lol

josh, you are joking, right? popcorn shrimp is a seafood, those tiny little creatures, all battered and fried...

btw, the chicken fairy is hunting for those who want asstd bantams and any specific breed ducklings.....

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

They probably call them prawns, and I know in paris my daughter ordered a prawn dish but it had head legs and all still on them. She did manage to choke them down.

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Well, guess who is fixin to start a bucket? Yep, me! It became a given when I went in to water the cornish and one was laying there dead. It's hard telling what he died from, heat, heart attack or some kind of lung problem they are known for getting but it will not be a complete waste this time!! I went to my DH's drill bit case to get the 3/8'' bit and guess what? Both were gone, he is always leaving things where he used them last, ugggg. Anyway, I asked him where it might be and then told him discust this time. Planting the seed a while back must have worked because he is all for it....though I think it will be me who starts it all going. I think I may have him interested enough that he might pick up fresh road kill for processing, which is usually plentiful on his 25 mile drive to work.

Hee hee.....gee whiz...I must not have enough exciting things to do around here if I am excited about THIS! : )

Christy (off to drill I go)

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL I hear ya, I can see it now when I get mine going and Hubby will be bringing me all kinds of things.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I think you all have gone mad...

Where on earth is the sane silkiechick when we need her???


Lodi, United States

Tf does have a lot to answer for--but you are all adults and acting of your own free will. If tf jumped off a cliff......:0)

londonderry, Australia

well i know wat prawns are every one has them there delicious.goooood eatin.

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