Weight Loss Challange July 12th - 19th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I couldn't get on the internet earlier so I went outside to work while it is still somewhat cool. Pulled and dug out a lot of weeds. Planted one daylily that I had just set on top of the ground when I moved it months ago. 2 or 3 more I had dug out have turned out to be a cultivar I have a LOT of all over the yarden. I won't bother to plant them. Pastor wants some daylilies to go at the base of the sign for the church so I'll take those as well as some ditch lilies. They will go together well. Now I am in for a nice long rest. I may go out once more this morning but not for long. Then I'll stay inside until about 6:30 or 7 when it gets cool again. After then I'll work until dark drives me inside.

Eating has been good & I'm happy with what the scale says. I think those extra pounds last week may have been water because I had eaten some pretty salty foods for a couple days.

Sue if the culvert had been aluminum I could under stand why it was stolen. Theft of aluminum and cooper here has beeen terrible. But PVC pipe? That was just meanness. Maybe some of the crew who knew about the arguments going on between you & the electrician over the plumbing and was helping him get back at you? That looks like a lot of work all of you did. I hope you poured concrete around this pipe to make it really difficult to remove.

I need to make some fertilizer water to put on my tomatoes and a couple of the green bean plants. One of the eggplant plants could be doing better too.

I have been gathering grass clippings where they come out of the mower in big bunches. Our lawn is so healthy and thick and with all this rain it is always at least damp. So when Holly mowes she constantly has to stop and let a large clump work its way out of the blades and from under the mower. She spends a lot of time cleaning the underside of the mower when she is thru mowing. She takes very good care of that mower.

I used my weedeaters the past couple days and have made some big improvements in a few places. Since weeds get so large so farst with all this rain and I don't get a lot of them pulled when they are small you can really tell where I have been when I finally get to an area.

Pebble does this mean you and the man will be living together as a couple? Or just friends? How are the children reacting to the new man in your life? Don't let them destroy what you want as a relationship but do take their feelings & opinions into consideration. If you are going to live together as a couple think about the example you are setting for the children. Is this what you want them to do in the future? Because they will, you know if they see their parents doing it. Apparently they have already seen their father set that kind of example. Being a good parent can be so hard and complicated. The few BBQs I have been to always have potato salad & baked beans. After that it is varied. Usually a dessert and cold beverages.

Susan, I can just taste those fresh tomatoes and imagine the juice running down my chin. One big slice covering the slice of ww or rye bread for a sandwich. Oh, yum yum.

Anna, I'm thinking of you and praying for you in this heat. I'm glad tho that you are getting to have even short Harley rides. It breaks the monotinousness(?)of the same old, same old, routine of the farm. Have a wonderful time at the fairs. Eat all you want. Of whatever you want. The way you work out it will be gone in no time anyway. Since you are accustomed to small portions you will not be able to eat as many of us think about.

Tina, good to see you posting. If I thought our cultivar of blackberry would make it in TX I'd send you some sprouts. But I think the climate and soil are so different they wouldn't survive. I can't get much of anything from the west coast to live.

Tricia, the work will be there tomorrow. Don't try to crowd 2 or 3 days work into one day. You won't enjoy it nearly as much when the day is over if you do. Congraulations on the new furniture. Have you had to take a job or will you still be able to be a stay at home mommy?

Joann, have you ever picked ripe gooseberries? Holly left a lot of gooseberries on the plants and I'm eating the ripe ones. Very little flavor. I have no idea what the nutrient level is. I need to check that out. Jack would have loved the harvest of sour green ones this year. Since Holly and Kyle's dogs have killed so many 'possums and groundhogs and we have disposed of a few raccoons in the past year there doesn't seem to be anything eating them anymore. Those plants have been in those pots for about 5 years now, I think it is time to put them in either larger ones or the ground. I prefer the large pots to prevent them from taking over like they tried to do before I potted them. We have a few dewberries that didn't die from the herbicide last year. They didn't bear this year tho. I guess they aren't old enough.

I need to get out there and pick blackberries. Almost forgot about that task for the day.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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