Is this squirrel sick or molting?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

This squirrel comes to the fountain everyday, but I've never had a camera handy. He's covered with raised light colored spots. Doesn't seem to bother him. Just don't want him to be "carrying" some disease. I have a DGS who visits all the time.
'Have another squirrel with a lame back leg that comes each morning. He can't hop up anymore, so I have to leave him a bowl of water behind the fountain.

Thumbnail by bigbubbles
Auburn Hills, MI(Zone 6a)

I am not sure but if its eating and drinking that is a good sign I wonder it there are wonds that have healed from when it was younger..

Raleigh, NC

Could be so many things----ringworm or other fungal skin disease, missing hair from fighting/breeding, etc. He looks healthy, so I wouldn't worry about it unless others start looking the same way.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks to both of you. I'll keep an eye on him and hope he stays "healthy."

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