Teller's Blue - anyone have it?

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

I bought one last year already in bloom and planted it in a partly sunny spot (maybe 3-4 hours of afternoon sun). Within a couple weeks, the leaves and flowers were burned and it struggled the rest of the season. I watered it regularly, but it looked awful. This year it is tiny - even smaller than it's size last year when I purchased it - and no flowers, but the leaves are green and it looks a bit healthier though certainly not thriving.

Despite my less than admirable success with this cultivar, I couldn't help but purchase another one this year - it is just so stunning in bloom and I couldn't resist. Same thing is happening. This new one is in similar light conditions, though perhaps more filtered morning sun. I've had it a few weeks and the flowers are starting to brown and the plant looks like it is struggling overall.

I looked it up in plant files and it says full sun to part shade, so I wouldn't think the few hours it receives in my northern location would be a problem. I have other hydranges - endless summer and nikko blue in the same beds as these two Teller's Blue and they are doing much better. Anyone have any ideas for what might be wrong?

Below is a picture when I first brought it home

Thumbnail by SongsofJoy
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Once it's established maybe it could handle that amount of sun, but if you planted it during or right before summer then having it exposed to sun is going to make things tough on it. I'd try and rig up some shade over it for this season to protect it from the sun, that way it'll have a chance to get established without having to struggle with the sun. Then next year when it's better established you shouldn't need to protect it anymore if you've got other hydrangeas in that bed that are doing well. The one you planted last year will probably recover in time too, but if it had a really stressful time last year and never really got its roots going, it's probably doing that this year and that's why you're not seeing a lot of new growth. But hopefully next year it should do better.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks ecrane! That makes sense. It must just be a sensitive cultivar while it gets established. I also got two bluebird lacecaps at the same time as this year's Teller's Blue and they are doing much better in the exact same location.

Hopefully next year they will be established and gorgeous...

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Songs - I can see why you couldn't resist another. That color is absolutely stunning! I hope they come around and do better for you. Best of luck!

Arenzville, IL(Zone 6a)

Wow, beautiful color. Where did you buy it?


New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

Elaine, I found it at a local nursery. I'm sure you could find it online too.

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