choices for trees and gardens

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

if you had a choice of the area and zone, where in the world would you like

to plant trees and garden? what trees would you choose ? what flowers, herbs

or vegetables ? jimwil thanks

Brighton, MO(Zone 6a)

From several trips there, it seems to me that the Pacific Northwest has the most workable climate. There's enough seasonal change to trigger deciduous plants, but it seldom gets brutally cold. The soils seem abundantly rich, and usually well drained. Here at home, the only thing I truly lament is my soil condition, rocky clay, but that can be taken care of with amendments. We get hot enough in the summer to support tropicals, but there isn't enough room in the sunroom to overwinter all I would like. Personally, I will garden wherever I am, trying to do the most with what I have.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'd guess, southern Ireland, or New Zealand. Equable, no extremes of heat or cold, plenty of rain with an all-year distribution. Compared to where I am now, a couple of degrees warmer in both summer and winter, and slightly more rain. It would also need to be in a sheltered valley, and with well-drained soil.

Unlike the PNW ("seldom gets brutally cold"), these two never get brutally cold ;-)


Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I'm sure each place has it's own unique challenges so I'll just stick with where I'm at. I've already had lots of success (and my share of failures!) so I would just chose to stay put.

Eau Claire, WI

I wouldn't want to live in an area that didn't experience four distinct seasons. Having said that, my choice would be a place where winter is very short and reasonably mild (unlike Wisconsin). It would snow, but infrequently and of short duration. Good soil with adequate rainfall required, but freezing rains would be very infrequent. Daytime temps could get quite warm, even hot, but nights would be fairly cool. Anyone know where this might be?

I like the western portion of North Carolina and the eastern portion of Tennessee. That area of the Smokey Mountains has distinct seasons yet is comparatively mild to where I am now. Lots of trees.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I choose florida. Or somewhere tropical. I worked at David Fairchild gardens, this
was wayyyyyy before the hurricanes destroyed the beautiful palms and trees there.

I am fascinated by tropical splendor, and have always been. But, on the other
hand, I am deathly afraid now of spiders. Go figure. Oh yes, snakes too. I seem to
have a aura that attracts poisonous snakes. ugh ugh ugh.

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

OK, I've been thinking about this. My ideal place would have 4 definite seasons; spring would not seem as beautiful without those brutally cold days of winter, and fall would not be as sweet without knowing what's coming next. Kind of Missouri, but with Minnesota dirt and without the ice, or kind of like Minnesota, without the last month or two of winter.

I'd have a mixed border of tall to medium sized conifers, in front of which I'd plant red-twigged dogwoods and smaller, spring-flowering trees and bushes, including a few red buds.

I'd have a small apple orchard, and a raspberry and blueberry patch.

There would be a large vegetable garden with room for corn, potatoes and lots of tomatoes.

There's a clump of birch surrounded by sundrops and spring-flowering bulbs.

The east side of the house would resemble a natural oak savannah, with a merging into a more domestic garden with hosta, heuchera and other shade plants surrounding a stream-like water feature. There would be pagoda dogwoods and some japanese maples and some other understory nice understory trees and shrubs. Maybe some rhododendron.

I'd have a purple and yellow garden, with varieties of sambucus, purple leaf sandcherry, chokecherries, purple heuchera, golden hosta and golden moneywort, all surrounding a patio with a barbecue pit, within easy access to a big screen TV. Wherever this is, my people will remain Vikings fans (its a kind of curse).

All this would have to be, of course, within biking/walking distance of shops and work. Also, it would have easy access to good restaurants, not farther than 10 minutes from the nearest good Thai place.

Sounds good to anyone else?


Eau Claire, WI


It all sounded like heaven until:

"Wherever this is, my people will remain Vikings fans (its a kind of curse)."

I think your options are pretty much limited to Minnesota or Scandinavia. ;)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Now, Maackia, if Peg likes second place - that's OK. Then Packer fans won't be as threatened.

This is what I liked:

...or kind of like Minnesota, without the last month or two of winter.

Awfully demanding, to want June and July back.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, I for one think seasons are over-rated, the fewer the better! If I could live somewhere with highs of 70-80 year round that would be my dream climate. A reasonable amount of rainfall would be nice, but ideally it would all fall at night so that I could enjoy gorgeous sunny days every day. Am I asking too much? LOL

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Jamaica up in the Blue mountians. Only problem is Jamaica is a little violent for me.

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