Salvia Summit at Cabrillo College

Candor, NC

Is anyone from this group planning on attending the Salvia Summit (August 1 & 2)? I am definitely going and will be in the Watsonville area for a couple days both prior and after.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I saw that Robin's on the agenda too, so there'll be at least one other DG'er there! Unfortunately I can't quite swing the $200 to attend the summit, but I'm only about an hour drive away from that area. So if there's a group getting together at all outside of the summit I'd be happy to meet up with you. Over the weekend would work better, although if things aren't too crazy at work I might be able to take off a day during the week and come down (not 8/4 though, I've got a big presentation that day)

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Andy Maycen said that he'll be going......

Keaau, HI

Yes, despite my wedding the following weekend I will be there....I will probably need a break from all the pre-wedding stress! Look forward to meeting many of you there. I will be getting in on Thurs afternoon....anyone want to get together for dinner?


Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Well, I'm so envious I can't stand it! You get to take a vacation..and it's to Aptos/ Santa Cruz...and it's salvias...doesn't get much better than that.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If everyone decides to get together for dinner Thurs night I'll try to join you--can't guarantee for sure I can make it, driving down there with traffic might take a couple hours and until we get a little closer to August I won't know how likely it is that I'd be able to get out of work early enough, but I'll definitely try to make it if I can!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Congratulations on the coming nuptials, Andy!

Keaau, HI

Thank you so much. I am stressing out on getting the place ready for about 100 people. The garden looks amazing. I even planted out a bunch of annuals which I never do....nothing like Petunias and Vinca to brighten a place up. Of course I planted alot of Salvias...Van Houtti 'Light Orange' and 'Plum'. They are awesome this time of year. I wish they would make it through the winter!

Take-care, Andy

PS....Where in North County are you?? I am in Vista

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I'm in Bonsall, Andy. Saw you at the nursery on Monday and was going to say hi, but you were busy.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

It's funny how so many things seem to come full circle...I've recently been sorting through and getting rid of years' worth of clippings, etc and it's rewarding to seem how many things that were just ideas for me years ago have come to fruition. Today I came across an article that was, I believe from Horticulture mag and it was about agastaches and a person intorducing some new ones....Rich Dufresne and I thought how funny that the name was unknown to me 10 years ago......

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Sounds like an ideal vacation to me; Cabrillo is one of my favorite campuses/colleges and though I'm ignorant, salvias and agastaches have interested me for a while now.

Someday...enjoy, those who go.

Any news about the conference?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I talked to Andy today, said he had a really good time and quite a few interesting people there, mentioned some new introductions. I'm sure some of those who went will be on to share their thoughts.

Riverview, FL(Zone 9b)

Please post pictures!!!

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