PLEASE HELP ME ID plant-disease & describe treatment

Vancouver, BC

I have several differing plants that are all suffering from the same leaf blight; the symptoms are: thinning leaves (i.e., the more affected they are by the blight, the closer to transparency they get) and varying degrees of brown-copper spots. I did some Google'ing in an effort to get some answers, but didn't find anything *spot-on*. Ironically, all the plants suffering from this are otherwise 'healthy' and productive; i.e.: one of the plants is a Jasmine Sambac which continues to produce gobs of fragrant blossoms--another afflicted plant is some kind of organic pepper (meant for human consumption as opposed to being merely decorative). Regarding the latter, I'd scattered some pepper seeds from an otherwise devoured 'fruit'? on top of my Magickal-Mystery-Let's-See-If-Anything-Grows pot. Out of several puny sprouts I chose the one champion that thrived despite sharing the pot with other experimental sprouts. Other 'afflictees' are a patchouli plant, a couple of hibiscus and a corkscrew vine. Apparently, the blight doesn't discriminate much. Is there anyone out there who recognizes these symptoms and knows how to eradicate or at least subdue the culprit? THANKS!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Can you post some pictures? Plant diseases are often tricky to diagnose even with a picture, but without one I don't know that someone can give you a definitive answer. Since the plants that are affected are from a wide range of plant families that rules out a number of things, there are a number of diseases that tend to infect only plants from certain families. Since yours is more widespread, I suspect it might be a fungus due to general moisture/climate conditions--I know that on the US side of the Pacific Northwest there was (still is?) a lot of unusually chilly weather this year, so assuming you've had the same weird conditions it could have caused some fungal growth that wouldn't have happened in a normal year. If you've had a lot of rain, or if you use overhead watering particularly if you water in the evenings, that can cause problems with fungus growing on leaves since the leaves don't dry out quickly. And if your weather's been abnormally cool then rain or overhead watering earlier in the day still might be problematic since in cool and cloudy weather the leaves aren't going to dry out very fast.

Vancouver, BC

Hi e3,
Sheesh, I can't believe that you're the only one to give me some feedback! Well, 'good on ya', and you sound like you know your stuff! Sadly, I don't have a digital camera--BUT--I can borrow one, and in a couple of days I'll attach a few photos so your efforts at ID'ing the PLaffliction [plant affliction] will be intensified.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Probably nobody else chimed in because there's not much anyone can tell you without a picture. Hopefully you'll be able to get one and then maybe someone will have some other ideas for you.

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