Badly exposed picture....

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

But I love it. Just wanted to share.... These are some tiny Tillandsias I glued to a piece of wood. I had two varieties and one of them is blooming.....

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Neato Carol, how very pretty they are, I have never heard of them before, are they some sort of air plant? Must look them up...

Jeanne and I were just talking about you today, and wondering how you are doing with the back? Christi is going down the same road with some nasty test today.

I am trying to get a box of mango over to you tomorrow, if the wind is blowing in the right direction and my crazy life lets me get as far as the post office!

Aloha, my friend, I've missed you lately!

Keaau, HI

Hey Carol, what kind of glue are you using; I've planted many Tillandsia and never got results like that!
I found Tillandsia ionantha in A. Graf "Tropica", that looks a bit like your plant. Is that correct, or maybe close?

Aloha, Dave

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hey David, how was your hike? Those T are stuck on with Gorilla Glue because that's what I had in my drawer!!! I am not sure of the name....gotta look for it too!!! I am horrible about not having names for things and that is what I was going to do while laid up with my back... But I am not laid UP!!! and I haven't had time!!!

Jen...I am GREAT!!! I think this is week 7 or 8 and while I ache when i am tired and have done too much...I feel wonderful!!! Christi has much more serious problems than I had and her surgery is going to be massive....poor dear. Her 'tude is terrific and she seems in good spirits!!!

I have been buying and eating mangoes when I can find them cheaper than a King's Ransom!!!! You are SO lucky to grow them there!!!!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

A beautiful picture! Thank you for showing it to us! This is how a good morning starts!
mmmm, mango!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful picture, Carol. I used to pick up the tsilandias off the trunk of trees, fences and hedges around our condo. I then glued them (using a low-temp hot glue gun, very Martaish for me) to a rattan basket I kept on our balcony. Everything grew. Everything bloomed and then everything died. Bummer. Nonetheless, it was fun to do.


Keaau, HI

Hi Carol, the hike was great! I got lots of pictures of rare plants (at Pu'u Maka'ala, near Kulani) and will post some soon. Also got seeds of Cyanea pilosa a fuzzy Lobeliad. (Too late for Hawaiian mint seeds.)

I had a Tillandsia xerographica for several years, then last year it flowered and died, without making seeds or offsets. Do you think it was because the climate is so wet here?

Glad to here you are doing well!

Aloha, Dave

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hmmmm, David...seems to me the Tillandsias do well in the wet...perhaps some are fussier? Yes, you are right....that small blooming one IS T.ionantha - saw it at a friends' up in Ninole and John is a stickler for correct names!!!

It's my impression that Tillandsias like good air circulation....could be why they die when we don't expect it.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Carol, that is TOO COOL! Love it! Talk about EXOTIC! WOW! Take it easy and don't overdo! Take care of yourself!!!!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, Carol DO take care of yourself and take it easy if you can. By the way, how about an update on your recovery. I haven't had a comoputer for about 11 days. I think I missed a lot in that interval.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hey, our polar bear - we haven't had any update on the house lately, are you all settled in?

Dave, do you also have a large piece of forest land like Carol does? You guys are so knowledgeable about all the local plants! Carol's place is heaven on earth and one day I am going to invite myself over to see it first hand!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes, PB...let's see the house!!!

The amazing thing (to me) about this recovery process is the major milestones that happen: suddenly, one day, I can bend down and put lotion on my legs!!! ... suddenly I was able to get up from a chair without major contortions.... my balance is still off but that is leg strength... I am very pleased with my progress and will continue to progress well!!! I haven't told DH I can bend over as it is fun asking him to do it for me!!!!

Yes, Dave lives just up the hill from us - on big acreage...he rode his bike down here for a visit. As a crow flied about 1 mile, I would say...maybe two!!!

Aren't I lucky???


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, BHM, we are just about finished putting in the improvements we had envisionned when we purchased this place. Eventually, we'll dust off the furniture, wash the floors and then I'll take pictures. It's quite nice already but it will be nicer when we are all done. Then again, when is anyone all done with a house?

Carol, I am so glad you are recovering nicely. Take it easy, my friend. I think it's OK not to tell everything to your husband when it comes down to your bending abilities. I am reminded of a traditional indian (India, not native american) custom whereby a new bride gets her hands and arms covered in temporary henna tattoos on her wedding day. She is exempt from house work until the day where her tattoos have faded away. The Sharpie marker company is doing brisk business with new brides in India. Who can blame them?

Take care, all.
Sylvain, A.K.A. Pu'ole.

Berkeley, CA(Zone 10a)

nice pic. I saw somwthing of that nature at hd for$$$$ and dh said 'lets make em.'
what kind of glue DID you use? floral glue? we have ours around the house in abalone shells.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I just used Gorilla Glue. Works GREAT!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful. I have some just sitting on one of the orchid pots.
I was meaning to ask you...I made a bromeliad display with a hoya, and some other things on a piece of drift wood. The Hoya seems a whole lot happier than when it was in a pot.. I just stuck it in a little bit of sphangnum moss on the driftwood. do they prefer this type of growing habit?
Here's a pict. It's raining like the dickens can see the hoya draped on the bottom of the pict.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yes, many hoyas do like scrambling around plants on a tree. When I have one that is troublesome, I stick it on a tree and it does well!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

okay..that's good to know...and it need really nothing around the roots?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Oh, I stick the stem into moss or a tangle of orchids....yes, something.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

okay...I did the's a varigated's never bloomed, or the blooms started but fell off..I could never figure out the watering needs.

Someone is happy where it was planted! Growing very quickly. Someone gave me a Siam Ruby at the swap, so I planted it next to this one..should be splashy in color! - still raining

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison

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