What going on with my DR

Screven, GA

Hi, I hope this is the right forum to help with the problem I'm having with my Desert rose plants.. The first pic is about seven months old plant and its in a bonsai pot. I notice that one first. Then when i looked a the others and they looked the same, i new i had a problem.. Has anyone seen anything like this ?? Thanks ,, . , ., Greg

Thumbnail by aspin111
Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi Greg, I'm glad you posted your problem here! There are many people growing adeniums and I think someone will be able to help. You might want to give some additional pictures so we can see the entire plant. How many plants are affected? Were they all purchased or acquired at the same time? And where do you keep them? - Lynn

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Greg,

That's tough with just that single image.

First thing that come to mind is over watering, or staying to wet in a pot or soil that doesn't drain well. This can also cause a fungus, which could cause that as well.

It doesn't look like damage from any pests we've dealt with, and the healthy leaves don't show signs of nutrient deficiency, so I could probably rule out pests and lack of micro nutrients.

Talk to me about the pot, soil, and location it is in.


Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

One other thing.

The brown areas. Are they dry and crispy or soft and damp or mushy?


Screven, GA

Thanks Lynn and Chris.. I don't have anymore photos at this time... This is my very first experience with Adeniums. I have about 30 and all were grown from seed. The one in the photo is one of my oldest ones And its growing in a bonsai mixed soil, 50 percent crushed lava rock, some peat,some garden soil and perlite. But some of the younger one are doing the same and they are still in the seed starting mix..... The plants get get full sun 2/3 of the day.. Chris, I think they might be getting to much water because we have been getting a good bit of afternoon thunder showers lately.. oh, and the damaged leaves are soft, damp and mushy... What do ya'll think ??? Thanks again .,.,.,.,. Greg

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)

Soft damp and mushy sounds like too much water, but you do have a well draining mix. Afternoon showers in your area can easily cause this. Try and let them dry out a bit even if it means putting them under cover for a little bit, and treat with a broad spectrum fungicide.

It's tough to keep control of water when mother nature isn't co-operating.


Southern Dutchess Co, NY(Zone 5b)

I think too much moisture is definitely your problem. Mine get 1/2 day of sun (morning til early afternoon) and are kept under the eaves to help them from getting too much rain. They really perk up being outside for the summer! But I have noticed that the smallest ones have sunburned leaves, likely from too much sun too quickly. But those leaves are not soft and mushy. I try to water them early in the day so they will not be damp at nightfall - much the way I care for orchids.

Hope things work out for your adeniums! - Lynn

Mount Calm, TX

Don't water until the base becomes a little spongy. If the base in rock hard the plant has enough water.

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