Viburnum Leaf Beetle

Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

I discovered my first Viburnum Leaf Beetle yesterday on a bush. What are the strategies? Japanese Beetles are rampant this year as well and have ruined a number of my plants. Rampant pests are really discouraging me this year.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

So far we have been pretty lucky to avoid most of the bugs, but it's still early yet. I wish I could answer your questions, but I am clueless when it comes to bugs.

JB are rampant. They are after my holly hocks.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow - I did not think the VLB was so close! Here's a link:

Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

Oh, they're definitely here. Last summer I found a larvae on one of my bushes and destroyed it. But, only saw the one. I was not pleased to see the beetle this time. I have a total of three bushes, all rather small and new in my yard so they're presently easy to monitor but I'm concerned about the future. The Japanese variety are especially prolific this year. The Cornell site is good. I'm going to try the tangle foot as I already use it to avoid other pests on other trees.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Ugly and dngerous little creature! Thanks for the link. Ugh!!!!!

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

I was at a garden thingy the other night and the guy said they've had great luck spraying the viburnums as they are starting to leaf out, and then again a week later. With something that sounded like Spinosa. That doesn't help you now, but maybe next year. [we've had the beetle bad in Vermont from what I hear and his viburnum looked great, everyone was oohing/ahhing over them]

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