Bill Mc Kenzie

Lilburn, GA


I used to grow this clematis in England but am unable to find it her in the US. Has someone heard of it? It has very thick yellow petals, just like orange skin in texture.

It's my favourite clematis.

Where can I find a good nursery that sell by mail order? I can only find the usual clematis plants at the local home depot and I would like somehting more unusual.

thank you:o)

Delaware, OH

try brushwood (garden vines)

golden tiara is similar as are other selections in the tangutica group.

Lilburn, GA

thank you very much Niobe.:o)

Delaware, OH

here is a small flowered yellow species call rhederiana that i really like. not as dramatic as golden tiara, but i try and also grow the species hardy in my area in homage to the genus and history of clematis.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Lilburn, GA

what a lovely flower Niobe!

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