RoundUp date to choose

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's time to start planning for the RoundUp again. Fall is just right around the corner.

Here are some dates to choose from. September 27th, October 4th or 11th. All are Saturdays so those of you coming from out of town will have time to see the area if you choose.

I will keep track on this thread of the dates.

27th: 8 people so far

4th: not popular yet

11th: second choice so far for most

This message was edited Jul 15, 2008 5:54 AM

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh, did you have to say JUST? The only reason I'm looking forward to Fall is for the RU! I will hope for a LATE frost and pick the 27th, but really, I don't see anything on the calendar for the 4th or 11th. My DD in KC has a b-day the 27th so I can spend time with her and take in the round up, too. But I would drive over on the 4th or 11th, too. I'm easy today. Thank You, Pepper, your continued dedication on getting the RU organized is appreciated. -B

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I vote for the 27th Sep or the 11th Oct. I have to work the 4th. I would love to go!

Humansville, MO

we choise sep 27
dave and elle

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I would like the 27th as my first choice and the 11th as my second. I have military duty on the 4th and possibly on the 11th but we never have it that late in Sept. I hope I get to go this time.

(Cathy), MO

I'm going to try to make it to this one. And any of the dates work for me. Do you know yet where this one will be?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I am hosting it at my grandma's again. Am hoping for better weather this time too. But if it's cold then we will just drag the hood up front and get a nice fire going. :~)

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Probably won't make it. I am heading to Kentucky RU on Sept. 18 thru 21.
Maybe in the spring.

rural Hughesville, MO(Zone 5b)

The 27 September date looks good to me - hugs to you Amanda

Sarasota, FL

Hey all,
New to the spot, but I have to go with September
27th too...since it is my B-day ha ha
I hope my family can make it.
Can't wait to meet my fellow gardeners.
aka josette63

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I hope everyone can make it! :~)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Any of them will likely suit me. I'll try to stay out of the hospital this time. lol. I have lots of door prizes left from last fall.

If I'm still with this job I get off at 3 in the afternoon so I won't be so tired Sat. morning. What a switch. I've worked late on Friday nights for over 7 years.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I will give everyone a chance til the end of the week to chime in here and make their voices be heard. Most popular choice by then is the date we will go with. Then I will start a thread to get plans rolling. :~)

Holden, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi Pepper and everyone. Busy summer.

Amanda, I'm good with any of your dates to choose from, we do live close : ). Another fire on the hood of the truck will be fun, lol.

leaflady, yes stay out of those hospitals, they spoil RU fun : ). Take good care of yourself.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Amanda, I'll send a few d-mails out about it, there are a few peeps I haven't seen an opinion from and I sure hope they plan on trying to make it. And I'll start mentioning it on threads I'm involved in on different forums too. I'm so excited about it since I missed this spring. EvaMae, NO hospitals this time! I'm excited to see you again! I need to start getting my swap inventory planned and the plan acted upon so I'll have some stuff by then. Anybody want some ditch lilies? oh, that's a future thread.... -B

Humansville, MO

hi all elle here
i sure love my chickern run
they are growing fast
well i off two day and dave got plan for me
we may get a little done
we are looking forward to the round up
i may be able to make some door prizes
well i will talk later

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Elle, you do wonderful handwork that any of us would more than gladly choose as a door prize. Do you ever do any work with bunny fur? I know you and Dave don't butcher many if any of the bunnies, but if one died could Dave skin it and sort of tan the hide for you to use? Or maybe just collect some fur to glue onto something? Just some thoughts. Jack's cousin use to raise chinchilla and when one died they would do that. She sold the skins to someone else I think who made some lovely pieces of art and jewelry with them since she wasn't 'crafty'.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks AuntB for spreading the word. :~)

Elle, I look forwards to seeing you and Dave again.

Sarasota, FL

Hey all,
If my family makes it to the roundup it will be our first.
I am unsure of how things work. My neice has attended
several roundups so I've heard her stories about them.
I am not really looking to take anything home, but I
sure do like to share. I have some altheas I can root fairly
quick. Anyone interested in those? I have double pink and
purple. They are very pretty.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Josette, if you have extra double pinks and purples, especially pinks I would love to have some. I have one large old double purple but yours might be a different color. Ours was moved ours a few weeks ago to a better site with the aid of a skidsteer driven by DIL Holly.

Sarasota, FL

Great leaflady I'll get them into some water to root them.
I haven't time now to post photos, but perhaps later.
I sure hope the limbs will root before the round up. I
think they do it quickly this time of year.
See ya,

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Steph, now your making me look up altheas! I doubt you will go home without a few seeds at the very LEAST. What do you grow now?

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Altheas are the mallow family, or at least part of it. Hollyhocks, Rose of Sharon, Zabrina Althea are all familiar ones to most of us.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Thanks EvaMae, I didn't know that. Hollyhocks are related to ROS...sure I can see that now. The blooms do have a resemblence. I acquired some ROS seed from 3 different plants, Steph, would you like to swap a dbl pink for more seed? I think I can find out what colors they are. So hope you make it to the round up.

Sarasota, FL

Sorry about that y'all. Thanks, leaflady for clearing that up.
It is difficult sometimes to find Altheas in the gardening books.
You have to search under Rose of Sharon. So sorry. Okay
what do I grow, I love anything cottage garden. Delphiniums, I just discovered them this year.
Hardy geraniums, sweet pea. lilies. I am in want of hollyhocks right now, but hope to
pick some up next season. I have roses, pink knock outs, New Dawn, Zephirine Drouhin
(love that one) The Fairy, Betty Prior, Janice, Baby Carnival, Seven Sisters...shrubs...too
many plants to mention. Lilacs of course. I am up to 23 lilacs. Yes we have lots of room. We
are on a farm. I am from Florida and discovered the glorious lilac when I moved here. I love
lilacs. They are heaven on earth. Oh...I am going to try and take some cuttings from some of
the roses to share with y'all at the roundup as well. I found a photo of my double pink althea.
Not the best photo but acceptable.

Thumbnail by josette63
Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey Steph how big is your rose The Fairy and how long did it take to get that size? I have one just planted this year it is doing pretty good but like most of my roses except for the ZD it is getting blackspot!

Sarasota, FL

Oh, sorry AuntB I didn't answer your question. Of course
I will give you a double pink. It will be a starter plant, of
course, since I have cut limbs and popped them
into water to 'root' them. We did this often in
Florida and the altheas would have roots on them
in no time.

Sarasota, FL

Hey allanme79, I had one Fairy. She frooze last spring. Got her at my local discount center for scents.
I cried! Ha. Bought another for lots of scents. Planted it last spring. She is now knee
high to me and doing great. Then I saw one among all the roses at my local discount center in June.
Yes I dove right in, grabbed that Fairy, went home and put alcohol on all the scratches
I recieved from the other roses clawing at me while I got my Fairy for scents. It is doing
well. No black spot...although my seven sisters always gets black spot, so does my carnival
and one other which I cannot recall the name of. I just spray them and they keep on growing.
Hope this helps.

This message was edited Jul 18, 2008 3:36 PM

(Cathy), MO

I would love to have a start of any of the doubles too. The pink one is gorgeous!

Humansville, MO

went is the round up

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Elle, the date isn't definate yet, I think the majority is leaning towards the 27th.... unless I missed something and that's entirely possible. lol Steph, thank you so much. I love all shades of pink! Hi Cat!

Humansville, MO

ok please tell me went it is

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Elle, sure will. When I know, I'll d-mail you. It's clouding up over here, headed your way!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's officially on September 27th now. Thanks for everyone's help. Gonna start all the necessary threads now and will post links here. THANKS!!!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info on the final date. I kind of thought that was the one you would choose or should I say we as a group would most like. I know it is impossible to work around everyone's schedule.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

RU thread:




Door prizes:

This message was edited Jul 19, 2008 7:58 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Sorry, I won't be able to make it that is the Missouri Master Gardeners Conference in Branson. It starts the 26th and end the 28th.....darn!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

:( Darn it, Joyce!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, now AuntB and I are gonna have to sneak up there one day to see you. LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I am way disappointed. I really wanted to come.
When there is a large group it is hard to get a date that works for everyone.
I should of been watching the thread closer.

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