need help!

Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

I posted a few days ago about Fire spike and I didn't get any replies. Im a member of the Butterfly forum and I try to at least give some help to those that ask questions...or even tell them that I don't know.
Is this forum usually like this? I'd hate to recommend this site and particularly this forum and then have my "people" ignored! Rats! This has left a bad taste ....


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Adrienne, sorry no one has replyed, people in general are very helpful here! Maybe no one really knew the answer? I'll look for your original post.
Roberta ; )

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Please don't take it personally--there's not as much traffic here as there is on some of the other forums for one thing, and since it's the sort of place you only pop into when you have a problem, it doesn't tend to develop quite as much of the friendly/family feeling you'll get on some of the forums where people hang out on a regular basis and get to know each other. And since for many questions here there are probably only a small group of people who know the answer, most people probably don't want to clutter up the threads with "I don't know but..." sorts of responses, they're probably waiting for a person who does know to come along and post a useful response (otherwise you'd end up with a string of 20 friendly "I don't know but I hope you figure it out" posts that you'd have to wade through to get to the one person who actually knew what was wrong with your plant.) On a lot of other forums, people also make those "I don't know but" posts to help your thread stay near the top of the page so it doesn't get missed, but here since there's less traffic so that's not really necessary, threads stay near the top of the page for a lot longer all on their own.

Also, it's often more difficult to tell what's wrong with a plant than it is to answer some of the other questions that come up here or in other forums. I've noticed that threads like "what do I do about xxx problem" where the person already knew what the problem was tend to get answers pretty quickly, probably because when you already know what's wrong, there are other people who've dealt with that problem before so they can provide a good answer. But when you don't know what the problem is, unless it's something really obvious like aphids, threads tend to sit for a little longer before they get an answer--plant diseases can manifest themselves differently in different cases, and there are many problems whose symptoms are very similar, so that makes it a lot harder to pin down what's wrong.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I agree. If I don't know the answer, I don't post. This is really not a chatty forum. Usually. Unless we disagree. LOL!

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