
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I took the afternoon off today to visit Belsay Hall a local stately home and garden. It was a lovely visit, hot and sunny (well to me anyway). Coming home I saw some dramatic clouds and now we're having a heavy thundershower :)

Thumbnail by kniphofia
PERTH, Australia

Hey, I really like that shot kniphofia. The clouds seem to be swirling down to meet the fields arcing upwards.

(Zone 7a)

It looks like a thunderhead. VERY cool.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Looks like some of the thunderheads we have over here--good photo! By the way, kniphofia, what do you consider to be "hot and sunny"? LOL

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Well Marsue, I lived in Maine for 10 years so hot and sunny would be in the 90s there, but here, 75F is considered hot. I prefer around 60F :) I love being back home, even though some of my friends, colleagues and family think 50F is cold!
Here's another shot from Wednesday, looking the other way from the photo in my first post.
Thanks for the kind comments everyone :)

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

That last one really looks threatening, Knip! Hot and sunny where I live would be in the 90's, also, and humid as well! 50's, if not cold, would at least be chilly! LOL
All depends on what you are accustomed to!

(Zone 7a)

Looks like it really pours down. Did it?

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes we had very heavy rain. In fact this week has been very wet indeed. Yesterday morning when I got up one corner of my garden (near the drainpipe from the roof) was under water!

(Zone 7a)

Oh dear! Is it draining?

PERTH, Australia

kwanjin, just saw your post. Very witty

(Zone 7a)

I try. :-)

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Ha ha, yes it did drain away :) Just as well as it's raining cats and dogs at the minute!

(Zone 7a)

I Google Earth-ed Ashington. You are very far north. What're your average temps?

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes I'm only a few miles from the Scotland border. We get a lot of windy weather off the North Sea. I'd say average summer temps are about 65-75F. Winter is about 40F. There is a lot more cloudy weather, not so many blue skies as in Maine, but I love it. Today's been in the mid 60'sF.

(Zone 7a)

Sounds like heaven. Our family on my mother's side is from Ireland. I think there is some Welsh there somewhere, too. I dream about visiting or moving there someday.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I thought you were moving to the Oregon beachside, Celia?

(Zone 7a)

We are. I just have this silly dream of Ireland.

(Zone 7a)

You know...the one that never comes true.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh, well, it never hurts to dream. I've always wanted to visit Ireland and Scotland and England--all of Great Britain!

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