look at what was in my yard

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

we have a pond behind our house and there is a small stream that runs down to it. for years we have always dumped scraps out at the edge of yard and this turtle came up from the pond and was munching on some watermelon rind : 0 there is no telling how old he is! we sure enjoyed watching him! when he got tried of us he just walked back down to pond and into the water.

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Very cute, Lovesdaylilies. We had one come visit our garden last week. Had a little trouble parking though :>).


Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

the turtle was welcomed now this eewwhh just scared the life outta me lol

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

doesnt look like he liked us either : 0

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like a black rat snake. Definitely a good guy. Hope you didn't hurt it. They eat rodents that would really make you go, "Ewww!" We had a corn snake get stuck in some deer fence I had around the garden. I tried to save it, but it expired before I could cut it out of the mesh. The next day another one got stuck. I was able to free that one while DD and I hung on to it. I was terrified, but could not let it die. So much for a career in snake handling. We raised the mesh up several inches that day so the wildlife could come and go safely.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

A little snake never hurt anyone (well at least a garter snake).

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

the little ones in picture are much braver than me lol

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I love seeing children learning to appreciate wildlife. Thanks for the great photo. The "common" garter snake is so important to our gardens. Please try to learn what's what with snakes before you reach for a weapon to dispatch them.

Dahlonega, GA

hi , did you realize your box turtle was digging a hole to lay it's eggs ?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Sally. But it was right near the garden shed and on the side of the main garden path. After giving it as wide a berth as possible, while trying to get back and forth to the shed, she left without laying. Must be nice to pick and choose your delivery date. I found the location interesting. She was able to dig into the hard clay path and chose an open space instead of soft garden soil and big squash leaves only inches away.

Dahlonega, GA

wildlife is so intresting , i never tire of watching them .sally

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

We have to many dangerous snakes so i tell the kids to leave them all alone. I already have a dog that pulls snakes out of odd places and that's enough fun for me. Don't need the kids doing it.

One night i was letting the dogs out and just standing on my patio in bare feet. One dog gets up on his toes looking like he's about to attack a frog or something like that in the grass. He attacked and out of the grass a just saw a red, black and white striped snake. First thought coral snake run. LOL. I wasn't ready for that. Snake was moving fast and so was I. I didn't get a good ID on him. Maybe a King snake and I can't stop the dog from chasing those things but everyone else needs to get away from what ever snake they find.

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