Green flies in my garden

Bayside, NY

I've been getting overrun by my green flies in my garden. They seem to be attracted to my hydgrenga and a few other plants. Does anyone know what might be causing them to visit this year and how can I deter them from visiting. I bought basel, but it doesn't seem to deter them.
The only other reason I can think of them being so overwhelming this year is that my neighbor has a compost pile very close to my yard and doesn't cover it. Could this be the reason why I have so many flies in my garden this year? Any suggestions on how to get rid of them or deter them would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Are they tiny green flies? Just kind walking around on the plants like they're looking for something?

Bayside, NY

No they are regular sized flies, I think they are called common bottle neck flies-they have a bright/neon green body. They are living in my Euonymus japonicus plant, (I don't know the cultivar). I checked the plant out for any kind of rot, but can't seem to find any signs of it. There is like a little mini colony of flies living in it. They seem to just hang out in the leaves not looking like they are doing anything much than resting in the plant. Maybe they are trying to act like bees? I'm not sure what they are doing-I would just like to get rid of them. I can't find anything on the net to explain this behavior. Any ideas?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Does your neighbor properly maintain the compost pile? Properly done compost piles won't attract insects and rodents, but improperly maintained ones certainly can.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Blow flies/bottle flies If there are a bunch around, you might start looking for some dead animal in the area. Do you have any bird' nests? They'll lay eggs on the baby birds too.

Are you quite sure that they're not bees? There are green bees - sweat bees.

Bayside, NY

I inspected the area for dead animals or anything that might be decomposing, but I found nothing. They seem to be resting in the branches. I read that they sometimes take shade. I don't want to use pesticides because I try to maintain an organic garden.
Anyway, I took a photo of the flies or bees or whatever they are.
Any thoughts?

Thumbnail by Mluna25
Bayside, NY

Another view

Thumbnail by Mluna25
Bayside, NY

and one more view

Thumbnail by Mluna25
Bayside, NY

Neighbor's compost bin.
I don't know if my neighbor is maintaining the compost bin correctly. He said it doesn't work correctly, but he also puts down a lot of manure because he believes it keeps away squirrels. Maybe that's what attracted these flies?
Anyway, here's a photo of the bin, and if anyone can think of something to get rid of these fly's it would be greatly appreciated.

Thumbnail by Mluna25
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Definitely flies, not bees. And yes, manure would certainly attract them.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I bet it's his manure, unless it's been composted it'll attract flies like crazy. I get them coming around even over just a couple doggie "presents" so I can imagine if you had a whole bunch of manure you could wind up with millions of them. Maybe it's time to suggest some other squirrel remedies for your neighbor! Although if his compost bin "isn't working properly" that could be contributing too.

Bayside, NY

Is there anything I can put down -maybe under my deck to neutralize the smell? Perhaps baking soda or vinegar? Any ideas?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

He needs to get rid of his manure and probably fix his compost pile too--that's what they're attracted to and as long as it's there, you're going to have flies around. I don't see how putting something under your deck would neutralize the odor from his yard, maybe if you grow fragrant flowers around your deck you'll smell them more than the manure but the flies are still going to find the manure in his yard so it still doesn't really solve the problem.

Radford, VA(Zone 7a)

Yellow sticky traps would probably work.

Dayton, OH

I was looking for information on swarming flies around my euonymus bushes in the back yard .Every time I go back there to water my other plants, there are so many flies around the euonymus, they sound like bees swarming, but when I look they look like tons of flies. Some are black, some are green, all different sizes. I also noticed the bushes are blooming and giving off a very sweet fragrance from flowers. I think the flies are being attracted to the flowers - scent especially. Could they be feeding on them? Also I get some very bad bites if I am back there a few minutes. Has anyone else had this problem , and other than spraying insecticide, which I don't like to do, any solutions ?? By the pictures on this site, it appears to euonymus japonica.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

I hope they aren't what are called deer flies, because if they are their sting is VERY painful and can cause a severe reaction- be careful!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

In the interim, until your neighbor corrects his compost/manure situation, maybe you could try (yes, I'm always touting these products, but I can't help it, I use them and LOVE them) a completely organic and safe insecticide... there's a Dr. Earth line of sprays that work well (I've use 2 of 'em so far with great results).. the one in particular I'm thinking of is "Final Stop Yard & Garden Insect Killer. It's available in ready-to-use and ready-to-spray (hook up to the hose) formulations. If your neighbor's compost bin is close enough, maybe you could spray that too?? < =D It sure wouldn't hurt his compost any, and it might help to deter more pests.

Just an idea until the cause of the problem is solved. I wish you good luck!

Radford, VA(Zone 7a)

Pretty easy to make fly trap . . . It works great!! (Forget my previous suggestion of yellow sticky tape.)

1st photo is instructions for making it. Second photo is results after one week. (Soft cat food, fish flavored, works great as bait.)

Thumbnail by green76thumb Thumbnail by green76thumb
Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Have you called your health department? This could be a health menace. Luciee {;^)

Norcross, GA

It looks like the green bottle fly to me. Lucky you, it can treat them as any old fly in terms of removal. If you looking for information on the matter, I would look online for help there are a ton of fly control resources. Here is one to start off your search

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