play baby with avacados

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, I caved into pregnancy cravings and spent too much on avacados so I could make guacamole. Not being able to throw away any 'seed' that might sprout, I put toothpicks in the pits and put them in a bowl of water. Four out of six sprouted and two rotted. Now I have everything from ones with roots to one about a foot tall. Now what do I do with them? Will they survive as houseplants, school projects, or should I ship them off to warmer climates or will they ever be more than a plant? I mean, will they turn into trees in a warmer environment?? It will be getting cold here soon and I don't want to kill them or waste money sending them to someone. Let me know if you know.

Yes Michele,you plant them in soil
and a future tree will come alive'
To be a houseplant,they will need
some very bright light and warm temps,
some humidity too'I'd pot them up and
place them outside(shaded area) to get
as much root development before it turns
cold.Don't let the frost get it''Winter
it inside not outside. Put out after your
last frost date. You won't get fruit
until it matures and is polinated outside'
Don't over water'' Good luck'Sis'

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Sis. How big will these things get in the house? I did just pot them up and put them outside under an umbrella.

Weeelll,ya better have a mighty
Big House'I used to live across
the road from a avocado grove in
Ca.The sky's the limit'LOL

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