Ferns for Townsvillians.

Townsville, Australia

G,day, if there is a Townsville member who would like to help " weed " my orchids they can take the weeds with them. There are 2 Asplenium species,
australasicum and nidus, plus Platycerium bifurcatum. i am not sure how many other fern species there are growing among the orchids but you are welcome to them as they are becoming
a bit of a nuisance.. if you are interested in them please D-mail me (However that works) for my address where they can be collected. There are other "WEEDS" here as well. Bob.

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Merino, Australia

Hello Bob, why aren't you living closer to me ?/ I would weed for you and happily take away your ferns.
It's very frustrating when I see things like that, way out of reach. Probably just as well or I would not be able to get in my house for plants. I'm bad enough now.
Hope you get a helper. happy weeding, Jean.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Bob,

I am in Townsville, I will ask my son as he collects plants:)

Townsville, Australia

No problems Annette, maybe there will be something here to interest you too, such as this one. We can,t grow daffodils here but i think these are the next best thing and they are tropical to subtropical. I have some spare bulbs of them. The Brisbane lily. Prophys cunninghamii. Bob.

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Townsville, Australia

Hoy Aussies, this aint some sick joke. This is a photo of my orchid house. As you can see, I Can,t walk to the back end because it is so overgrown. The last time it was like this I potted over two thousand extras and took them to the Sunday market. I don,t feel like doing that again,
so the extras that can,t be given away will go in the green waste bag, There are some quite rare plants amongst them as I had a nursery years back and had access to many plants that don,t get into the trade. Even if you are willing to pay the post on some I will send a good selectoin to you.
Happy growing, Bob

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Bob, nice to meet you. I'm Sue, and I live in Coffs Harbour, but my big sister lives in Woodstock, and might be interested in some freebies! If you Dmail me, I will give her a ring and see if she is interested, and get her to call in and see you. You will have to give her growing information, as she is a novice. She doesn't have a lots of $, so would appreciate it greatly!
Nice shade house, by the way! I like your style!
(pic of orchid at nursery in Mt Molloy - I didn't ask it's name, Doh!)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Townsville, Australia

Hi , I don,t know the name of the Phaly., but i do know Sue Holcombe from Cape Oasis at Mt Molloy. Did you buy any of her fantastic broms ?. She has one of the best collections in north Qld. there. She sells some on ebay at times but to get the better ones you have to visit her. I have sent a Dmail but as I am not up on this modern electronic stuff, so I hope it works. This is my Stapeloia. S. gigantea. Bob.

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Bob, yes it was Sue who served me, but when she asked my interests and I mentioned Bromeliads, she was not forthcoming with an offer to show me any, except the few on her sales table, which were nice plants and very reasonably priced. I was dissappointed, as I was looking forward to a grand tour, as I knew she must have had a large Brom nursery, because of the ammount she advertises on Ebay! I had a couple of hundred in my pocket, but parted with forty in the end. The world bromeliad convention had been in Cairns the week before I was there, so maybe her Brom nursery was upside down and inside out, and not suitable for showing? perhaps I should have rung and given her warning, which I normally do, but I went on a day that I knew the nursery was open, so didn't forewarn her.
Anyway, she seemed very nice, and her Orcids were beautiful, and I was happy with my brom purchases. If I get up that way again, I will definitely pop in. She is also sending me her new pricelist when she gets it made.
The link to my Cairns trip, which also has a link to Jeffs garden at Waterwise plants, Cairns. Do you know of him? Lovely man with a superb garden!
Thanks Bob.

Hey Bob ...I know how you feel re the electronic stuff ...if you want to D mail just hit the persons name to the left ...it will take you to their home page where it will give you some info and a place that says send xxxx a dmail ...just hit that and it is the same as a normal post. When you receive a D mail it will pop up on your homepage at the top. Good luck and I think you are very generous to offer stuff ...like Jean I wish you were not so far away ...you can swap too don't forget why not pop into the swap place at the top of this forum.

Townsville, Australia

Hi Chrissy, I am trying to get rid of a lot and clear the paths because there are 2 people coming at the end of August to break up and repot most of my orchids . ( for the divisions ) This is done about every fourth year and at that time I have to clear out a lot so they can get at all the benches. The orchid collection has taken over40 years to put together so it comes first. Last time I potted and sold the plants but am older and lazier now. :~) Bob.
Pic is of Drosera burmanii

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

how cute are they Bob? Are they a carnivourous plant?
I hear my sister has given you a call. Great. Hopefully she will help to make some space for the big re-pot!

Beautiful stuff you have there ...40 years of collecting ...the mind boggles. Good luck with everything and yes what are the pretty things in the last pic?.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Beautiful Drosera Bob!
Carnivorous plants are one thing I have never had much luck with I'm afraid - they just don't like me I think. You have my sympathies about the workload from forty years of plant collecting as I am in a similar position. My few orchids are restricted to those which will grow outdoors here - I find the miniature Cymbidiums give the best bang for the buck for me as they tolerate the hot and dry summers here without too much complaint so I think that is what I will stick to for the present, although I have always had a hankering to try some of our local native greenhoods as they are very cute.

Ciao, KK.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi Bob.... sending you a D-Mail....

KK here is one of my bang for a buck orchids.
I hope all is going well for you ...moving is so exhausting,although in a way a fresh start can be good too.
I hope all is going well for you Bob ...
Hi Mya great to see you here in the Australian forums ...so nice to see everyone coming in.

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Only common I know and with no name ...I thought you may know the name Bob ...KK?

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Townsville, Australia

Hi Chrissy, It is almost impossable to name a hybrid Cymbidium or most other hybrid plants unless it is a clone or division of a very distinctive
named form. There are many thousand of them and a lot are similar, even if they have different blood lines. Some with the same parentage will look entirely different as well, which also makes identification virtually impossable. An example , this one and the following one are both from the same cross,
and from the same seed pod. Bob.

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Townsville, Australia

This is the twin !!! Enjoy. Bob.

Thumbnail by SpeciesNut
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Beautiful pictures Bob! How bizarre

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