Water needs..

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

I have a collection of different kinds of iris and I'm getting ready to move things around a bit. I'm trying to plan where everyone's gonna go based on their water needs. Japanese water iris, I assume, are heavy drinkers, as I am told, are Siberian.

Where do the Louisiana, bearded (border, dwarf, mini dwarf intermediate..etc) and spuria fit in the spectrum of water needs?

South Hamilton, MA

LA prefer damp conditions, but can grow in normal soil if watered regularly. The bearded iris don't like wet feet, well drained soil is best.

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)


Do you know about spuria?

South Hamilton, MA

Spuria like dry summers. They will grow here, but except for some of the species will not bloom. We have been told not to water them in the summer. Right! the rain needs to be turned on for other plants.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

In order of water needs, highest to lowest, Japanese, Louisiana, then spuria and siberian about the same. Japanese and Lousiana also like acid soil, where sibs and spuria can take slightly acid, neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Japanese and Louisiana can grow in normal garden soil if heavily mulched. Best to amend the planting hole of both with compost, or composted manure.

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