Please explain Siberian Iris rebloom to me.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I have a nice sized clump of Big Blue Sib Iris that bloomed for the first time this year. I put it in in the late summer of '06. Last year, it looked like it should have bloomed, but it must have decided to sit out. This year, it bloomed profusely, and with in a couple of weeks, I have two new scapes that budded and have started blooming. Just two, on the outside of the plant. Is this what rebloom looks like in Siberian Irises?

I grow lots of daylilies and I can explain and describe reblooming daylilies, and even reblooming Bearded Irises. But, I have no experince with Siberian Irises reblooming.


South Hamilton, MA

Some siberians are repeaters not rebloom. Dr. McEwen insisted on that terminology. They will wait a few weeks and then send up new stalks. Not all have the trait.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Siberian iris and also Japanese iris are usually considered repeaters, rather than true rebloomers when flowers occur after the initial flush of bloom. The definition of repeaters for siberian and JIs being :additional bloomstalks on an unpredictable regularity immediately following Spring bloom.

However some repeat with such regularity they are called rebloomers and are registered as such. The reblooming iris society has a list of sibs and JIs which are reliable repeaters.

Unlike a bearded iris that may bloom in the spring, and then again in the fall, this is uncommon for sibs and JIs. They normally have their repeat bloom within a couple of weeks after the main flush of bloom.

If you know which ones tend to repeat, be sure to cut all the dead flower stalks off, and water and fertilize after the first bloom flush for a better repeat.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

IrisMA and I cross posted. At least we agree:)

South Hamilton, MA

More details on your post Polly. For some reason our only repeat performer is 'Chartreuse Bounty' It would be nice if the repeater was easier to spell.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I have quite a few repeaters. Coronation Anthem is a huge repeater. Careless Sally, Reprise, Ships Are Sailing, Baby Sister and Springs Brook are good repeaters here, too. Summer Revels amd Pink Haze small repeaters.

As far as JIs, Exuberant Chantey, Southern Son and Thoroughbred have done well here.

I'll have to try Chartreuse Bounty IrisMA.

West Bend, WI

I have had repeat bloom on Coronation Anthem most years. This year got lots of nice repeat bloom on RANMAN, which bloomed it's brains out to begin with!! Multipetaled siberian with very vigorous growth for me. My repeat bloom stalks tend to be scattered around the very outside of the clump and show up about 2-3 weeks after the clump has finished blooming.

Thumbnail by Cheesy
South Hamilton, MA

The other repeaters which we grow, don't do so here--sigh. Even when our bed had more sun, they stayed oncers.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Now I understand. You all gave me exactly the information that I was looking for. I will be making a note in the years to come to see if Big Blue repeats again.


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